Gwen's New Shop Items: The Rarity Draws

in Splinterlandslast month



Hi! @saydie here playing Splinterlands everyday!

On its goal of bringing the new wave of players into the game, the Splinterlands team has been hands-on in making improvements to the game to provide the New Player Experience or NPE for short and with its most recent maintenance that took place after the end of season, more updates have been done in the game, particularly on the Glint Rewards and the Rarity Draws which is a new item that can be purchased using Glint. For this post, I will be taking a look on this new updates to the game and will even try to purchase this new rarity draws.


Glint Reward Update


It has been 3 seasons now since the daily and season chest has been removed in the game together with the Rshare system and with it comes with the new Glint System. With this system, players would instead earn Glint tokens for every ranked battles that they won which depends on the amount of SPS that they have staked in the game along with other modifiers such as guild bonus and the bonus from cards that were used (i.e. gold foil, alpha cards). The earned Glints would instead be now accumulated and be used to buy different items on Gwen's Glint Shop. For the past season that the system has been implemented, multiple tweaks have been done to adjust the Glint rewards and will probably will do more adjustments in the future but for the mean time, lets take a look on what change was done on the Glint System.


According to the Release Notes published by the team, the Glints earned from ranked battle through the entire season has been increased by 50%. On the other hand, End of Season Glint becomes the sum of the Glint through the season.


Gwen's Glint shop Update


Aside from the update on Glint rewards, another update that was made by the team was to add new items on Gwen's Glint Shop by adding Rarity draws. These draws will secure the rarity of the card that will be pulled from each draw unlike the random draws which the rarity of the card very much rely on RNG. Rarity draws are consist of:

Rarity Draw
Gold Foil Chance
img_draws-common_800 (1).png
Common Draw
Contains a Random Common Soulbound Reward
Rare Draw
Contains a Random Rare Soulbound Reward
Epic Draw
Contains a Random Epic Soulbound Reward
Legendary Draw
Contains a Random Legendary Soulbound Reward

Each of the draws have 2.0% chance of pulling a gold foil version of the card but by using Alchemy potions, the chances of pulling a gold foil will be doubled. However unlike the random draws, rarity draws only give 1 copy of the card and there was still the RNG factor of which card to be pulled since it only guarantees the rarity but at this point, many might have already close if not max their commons and rares soulbound cards so it might just come with the epics and legendary which were hard to collect because of their low drop rate. But for the off-chance that you have not yet max out your commons and rares, I rather recommend you choosing any of the random draws except the Initiate draw since not only you might get a better rarity card, each draws will also allow you do pull multiple BCX of a card on each draw.


Trying the Legendary Draw


Despite playing consistently ever since the release of the CL soulbound rewards, I have yet to get max copy of all the cards aside from the commons and sometimes, this have caused me to lose on an opponent with higher leveled soulbound cards specially for the legendary by which some are still within level 1 and 2 and that is why have tried to purchase the legendary draws for this post but before that, below are the stats of my legendary card before I purchase the legendary draws.


For each legendary draw, it will cost 25,000 glint for the first 10 batch of it and the cost will increase by 50% for the following batch. I did purchase 10 Legendary draws which have cost me 250,000 of Glint and this were the cards that I was able to get.


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Since I have already maxed Avez Sturgis, there was really no need for that one and at the same time, I have pulled two extra copies of Kulu Mastermind that I need to upgrade it to level 4 but the rest were a great pull since they were cards that I need to level up my legendary cards.



All in all, I am liking the results that I get for purchasing legendary rarity draw and might be the fastest way for me to max my epics and legendary cards but they are quite pricey so I need to save more glints before that. As for my rare cards, I might just stick with the random draws if I ever want to max them while also hoping to get some epic and legendary from time to time. But overall, I think that the addition of the rarity draws allows the players more choices on how will they use the Glint that they earned.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

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All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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