Not Using Taunt to Avoid Everyone's Fury

in Splinterlands2 months ago



Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

This will be my first entry for this weeks Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Ferocity. This is a ruleset that gives the Fury ability on all monsters.

The first Battle that I will show to you for this week was from my @crimepoet account which is an alt account I'm using with Nfty Arcade max level CL deck and was playing at the modern format of the Diamond League.


Before I show you the battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.



Rule Set Icon
All monsters have the fury.png Fury ability.

This rules makes it so that monsters will have the Fury ability which was an ability to counter the Taunt ability as it deals double damage on monsters with Taunt. Currently, this ability was only available on 12 Splinter units but soon, it will be an ability that the next airdrop summoner Lorkus will be able to give to monsters during the Tactics Phase.



Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




03- Modern Diamond.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
56 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 02-Water.png Water, 3-Earth.png Earth
Born Again.png
Born Again
All monsters have the Rebirth ability.
All monsters have the fury.png Fury ability.
Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


This battle has a 56 mana cap to use for cards where the active rulesets were Born Again, Unprotected and the featured ruleset for this week which was Ferocity. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Conqueror Jacek - Gives + 2 speed on all ally monsters and gives them the Piercing which does not really matter in this battle since monsters do not have armor but what it does was to deal the extra damage from the armor onto the opponents health and Scattershot which randomizes the target for each turn.

  • 1st Position: Arkemis the Bear - Although it has Protect that can give +2 armor on each ally monster, it cannot be used in this battle but why I choose this card was because it has Halving which can reduce the damage of the target monsters by half and Forcefield which reduce damage that are 5 or above to 1. When it receives damage, its attack and speed will also increase due to its Enrage ability.

  • 2nd Position: Lava Launcher As a range monster, it has the Close Range ability which allows it to attack even at the first position and when it attacks, it can Stun the target which prevents them from attacking for a round.

  • 33d Position: Supply Runner - A range monster which increases the speed and health of all ally monsters by +1 with its Swiftness and Strengthen ability.

  • 4th Position: Firecaller - This range monster already has the Fury ability but aside from that, it has the Snare ability which removes the Flying of the target and when it was defeated, its Martyr will increase the stats of the monsters that are adjacent to it.

  • 5th Position: Djinn Inferni - This magic splinter comes with Giant Killer which can deal double damage on monsters with 10 or more mana cost as well as another Stun.

  • 6th Position: Countess Sinash - Aside from providing +1 speed with Swiftness, it has the Opportunity ability which allows it to target the monster with the lowest health where its attack will also damage adjacent monsters due to Blast and can prevent the target from being healed due to Affliction while it makes it hard to target this card due to its Camouflage.


Revealing the Battle


1-12/40- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams.

Round 1:


13/40 Supply Runner deals 3 damage to Coastal Nymph.

14/40 Djinn Inferni deals 5 damage on Deeplurker.

15-17/40 Countess Sinash attaks Nerissa Tridawn with 4 damage and 2 damage on Caostal Nymph from Blast, followed by another 4 damage by Firecaller.

18-21/40 Arkemis the Bear and Lava launcher deals 8 damage on Deamonshark and afflicted it with Stun, making it unable to attack.

22-23/40 Coastal Sentry deals 2 damage on Arkemis the Bear.

24-27/40 Coastal Nymph defeats Firecaller which activates Martyr, increasing the stats of Supply Runner and Djinn Inferni then was resurrected due to Rebirth.

28-37/40 Deeplurker defeats Firecaller followed by Djinn Inferni due to Trample which activates the Martyr on Supply Runner and Countess Sinash before Djinn Inferni revives due to Rebirth.

38-40/40 River Hellondale and Nerissa Tridawn deals 4 damage on Arkemis the Bear and Dispel it buffs.

Round 2:


1/23 Supply Runner deals 5 damage on Coastal Sentry.

2-6/23 Djinn Inferni defeats Deeplurker but revives with Rebirth.

7-15/23 Countess Sinash deals 5 damage on Coastal Sentry with Blast dealing another 3 damage on Diemonshark and Deeplurker, resulting for Deeplurker to die but was Resurrect by River Hellondale.

16-20/23 Arkemis the Bear and Lava Launcher defeats Diemonshark.

21-23/23 River Hellondale and Nerissa Tridawn deals 4 damage on Arkemis the Bear.

Round 3:


1/17 Supply Runner deals 5 damage on River Hellondale.

2/17 Djinn Inferni deals 5 damage on Nerissa Tridawn and afflicted it with Stun.

3-7/17 Countess Sinash defeats both Coastal Sentry and Deeplurker.

8-17/17 Arkemis the Bear and Lava Launcher defeats River Hellondale.

Round 4:


1-5/11 Supply Runner and Djinn Inferni defeats Nerissa Tridawn.

6-11/11 Countess Sinash and Arkemis the Bear defeats Coastal Nymph, ending the battle with my win.


Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.


Did My Strategy Work?

With Ferocity being an active ruleset, the most common strategy is to avoid using monsters with Taunt since they would most likely just die fast because of the double damage from Fury but with no Taunt comes with the risk of your monsters that you avoid being attacked to be attack so when it comes to it, speed is the king like on this battle by which I was able to win because I was able to attack first before my opponent.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.


Previous Battles

Five Alive.png
Five Alive 2.png
Fog Of War.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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