
SPS rewards are now based on a 15 day rolling average instead of the past 24 hours
This results in every day of the season dropping around the same amount of SPS per win rather than the 2nd day of the season being the highest payout

I like it prevents the rush to Champion at the same time it balances the pool.

No ETA on when this will be enhanced until the team can find a better way to prevent the exploit

Dislike since I like knowing what cards I used and can rent on peakmonsters from my deck its a bit of a problem since I can't just select all and filter out the used cards so it results in an error anyway to separate or differentiate between tournament use and regular use cooldowns.

That toolbox application is very nice. Well done on that one @AxlerTwinBlade. I will use that frequently.

Thank you! I would love to see some aspects of the tools I make added directly into the game :) Until then I will keep working on them as I can find the time!

thanks for this baronstoolbox . i use now help a lot 👍

So glad to hear that you enjoy the tools!

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I can't go to Splinterfest, but it is looking like it will be a ton of fun.