Opening Gladius Packs - Quora Towershead

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Hello Splinterlands lovers,

Since joining the Immortal Gods 7 guild I started earning more Merit and SPS and after almost every Brawl I get a chance to get 2 or more Gladius Cases and today I bought 2 Gladius Case packs and opened them, here are the cards that come in the packs.

The gladiator cards I got from the pack aren't bad at all, and I'm even more pleased to have another copy of the Quora Towershead card. Quora Towershead is such a powerful gladiator I'm eager to use it in almost every battle. I also got 23.259 SPS after Brawl, I am really happy to be in the Immortal Gods 7 guild. Also, we placed 2nd in the last Brawl.

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