Share your Battle: Sneak Attack

in Splinterlands7 months ago

Welcome fellow Hivians and Splinterlands fans!

After checking out the new and improved 'share youre battle' format by @splinterlands, i decided to dive in with this super sneaky ruleset.

Ruleset: Super Sneak


All melee units gain the Sneak ability.

As most you will know by playing splinterlands, this ruleset is all about taking out the back of your opponents pack one by one. So packing a big boy (or girl) who can take a hit at the back is the way to go.

The Battle: Death vs Earth

The rules:

  • 17 Mana cap
  • Super Sneak


  • Death
  • Earth

The Line-up

The opener
First line of defence
Placed as third, to give the card some time to obtain life
Backstopper, chosen because of it's health and thorns

The strategy for this game, was to put a heavier monster in the back, preferably with an like thorn to damage and kill enemy monster on their sneak attacks. The magic monsters where chosen in order to attack the front.

The Battle

Upon entering the battle, i saw it wouldn't turn out into a win. My opponent had the same strategy by placing a thorned monster in the back damaging my Cursed Windeku.

What they did right was to place that pesky magic defying unicorn in the front. Because of it's void abillity it could absorb all of my magic attacks and take out my monsters without any issue.

Despite the loss, i think this is a great ruleset to be played because you have to think which monsters you'll need to place in first as well as in last position. Especially played with some smaller mana costing melee monsters this can be a nice change of pace.

Untill the next battle, thanks for reading, and perhaps we meet at one of our next battles.

If you want to give splinterlands a try, you are welcome to use my referral link


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