Things I dislike on Hive

in Ecency Supportlast year (edited)

There are some Community curation accounts where most or all of the author rewards go to the curators/community mods instead of raising the voting power of the account so it benefits the people voted for, or at least setting a few of the promoted authors as beneficiaries.

Original image by benzoix on Freepik

This post is my entry for the Hive Support community contest
What I DISLIKE in Ecency/Hive

Self-voting is frowned upon, and this is a nasty way to get around it:

Then they do the same again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, while claiming that the @bestblahblahoftheweek account is a service for their community and encouraging others to upvote its posts and delegate their HP to it. It stinks! I'm not saying that curators should work for free, but 100% is a bit much, especially with the back and forth upvoting of their own posts.

It's even more annoying when a majority of the posts promoted by the curation team are well past the payout date. Of course it's nice for the authors to get a mention, but how about promoting posts that people can upvote?

Since I noticed this practice I always hover over the upvote button to see who gets the reward before clicking it, and if it seems to be a continuous thing I unfollow and unfavourite them. All the accounts involved. Some of them do publish very nice and interesting posts in their own name, but I don't think they need or deserve my upvotes there either.

Disclaimer: None of the accounts @bestblahblahoftheweek @cheat-a @cheat-b @cheat-c or @cheat-d exists at the time of my writing. If someone creates them later, don't get angry with me for having used them in my example!


Can you name names? You leave us in suspense now.

For obvious reasons, I did not name names. I'm pretty sure those who feel accused can find me and kill me with downvotes without me inviting them to do so, so let them do a little work. 😹
But if you are curious you could go look at the curation account posts in the top 20-30 communities and figure it out for yourself.

It is an interesting one and I know some of the reasons, but yeah like you say, things can't really be named...

Well, I think I know who are the people behind those accounts... I hope you won't cross with them 💙

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