New HIVE per Year | A 100 Years Projection

in Hive Statistics2 months ago

Ok so I played around a bit and got this chart with the amount of new HIVE per year for the next 100 years. A long term outlook :)


We are now at the year number eight, with the first years of the chart with realized data. We can imedeatly notice the volatility in the first years. In the last years there is some stabilization. The record high was in 2020 and 2021 with over 40M HIVE created per year. In the last years we are around 25M. This number should be around that level up until 2027, when it will start to go down and will reach the minimum somewehre at 2036, around 7M per year. It will then start increasing again slowly and end close to 15M per year.

There is more to say about this long temr outlook, the %, the virtual supply etc ... probably will do a long post.


I don't think people really understand what is happening with the pool :D

Yea it will get harder and harder to get that HIVE ... especialy if we see an uptick in adoption ... then this period will be like mining BTC with home computer.

Interesting. I didn't know that inflation would very slowly start to grow again after reaching a minimum around year 2036.

Inflation is only growing in absolute terms after 2036. In percentage terms it's more or less flatlining.

Ah, ok! So I wasn't wrong about it. Except dalz was presenting absolute numbers here.

Super interesante muy buen post felicidades

Interesting read and looking forward to the long post about it.

That is interesting. I have no idea what would cause it to go down fast, and to be more stable afterwards. Looking forward to your long post.

I am so optimistic about the long term goal and future about hive definitely