HP Delegation Experiment - #6

in Hive Statistics2 months ago

Hello All!

This is my 6th report of my experiment. I am looking for the best projects for the HP delegation. To get clean results, I used my alter account (@siberian13) for this experiment. I will want to create a report every week of my results and if I find something new projects for this.

Let's see the results from the previous post (6 days):

Current delegations (same as previous week):

@leo.voter - by https://inleo.io/ - Reward type: LEO token
I got 0.095 LEO tokens for 6 days. Worth: 0,02442452 HIVE

@ecency - by https://ecency.com/ - Reward type: HIVE + Ecency points
I got 0.013 HIVE for 6 days.

@nexo.voter - Reward type: NEXO tokens
I got 0.394 NEXO tokens for 6 days. Worth 0,03152000 HIVE

@stickupcurator - Reward type: LGN tokens
I got 0.03913787 LGN tokens for 6 days. Worth 0,02974909 HIVE

@splinterboost - Reward type: HIVE
I got 0.012 HIVE for 6 days.

This is my Curation APR for reference

Current Results:

DelegationDaysHIVE valueAPR

Wow! This was the best week since this experiment began. Nexo was fantastic.


Hey, just dropping by to share that you can delegate HP to @liotes.voter too! They pay out in LEN tokens, and you can see that the value of LEN tokens is doing pretty well.

Thanks for the tip, I will try it.

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