Garden Helper

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago


I had a helper in the backyard all weekend. Everywhere I went, she was there to inspect or get in the way.

Upstairs she insisted on lying wherever I needed to walk. Things got serious once the robot vacuum started up, though. She stalked it for a while and then guarded me against it every time it came close. It's funny, I thought she'd be a lot more afraid of it and run away, but she tends to hunt it instead.


Every time I remind her that she doesn't actually live here and she should really go home because I'm sure my neighbour is missing her, I get this stern look. Then she disappears for a while, and I'll find her curled up in my bed fast asleep, or nesting at the back of the Kid's wardrobe, or sitting guard on our front steps.


She's lovely company, though—definitely a cat who likes being around people. I'm already feeling sad about what will happen when we move away from here. I think I will miss her a lot.

Until next time,


Original content created by @Sammie.


Get your own kitty! They make such good company!! I thought she was yours she is so comfortable there!

Definitely! It looks like our new home will come with a cat enclosure for outdoor time, so I think we'll be adopting one :-)