Ugh, Missed A Day

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago


I was doing so well on this slog through HiveBloPoMo and Hive Power Up Month, but last night I came home from work, went straight to bed and crashed. The stress of the last week had caught up and sleep trumped all else. Didn't even think about Hive or posting and didn't remember this morning (the Hive day runs until 10 am local time). In fact, I didn't remember at all until I got home from work and finished making dinner tonight.

So this is where my HiveBloPoMo and HivePUM journeys end this time around - at Day 22.

What have I learned?

  • That I really enjoy blogging about my day and whatever's going on
  • That the challenge forces me out of my comfort zone, in order to come up with something to write about EVERY day
  • That if I'm not in a blogging mood those posts feel forced and probably aren't great quality
  • That I probably worry about that a bit too much, and that it's my blog so I can write about whatever I want - ha ha!

I'll give the challenges another go next time around. Good luck to everyone else still on track for November 30!

Until next time,


Original content created by @Sammie.


It's unfortunate I missed that HIVEBLOPOMO and HIVEPUM activities here on hive. I haven't resumed here then. But I agree with what you said about the challenges. They make you think outside the bus, challenge your creative thinking ability and help you learn from othes. These and many more, I learnt from participating with theinkwell, dreemportchallenge, ladiesofhive and so many other communities. It's interesting here. You can think of coming back pls.

I did the #HiveBloPoMo with you and I am happy to tell you that I was able to follow through to the end. It was an awesome experience. There were those days I was stuck but I found my creative self and ended up writing. I did had the amaze ball feeling of having 30 posts up on my blog for 30 days.

I am sorry you got so tired and forgot about yours, but, it's great you learned a lot about yourself @sammie.

You haven't created any post in the last two months. I hope you are good? 🥺

There are days when not much happens, so i don't write. I tried to blog every day for 90 days when I started. I had the topics picked and on a calendar. I think I made most of them...

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Hey, @sammie, it's another #hiveblopomo month and you are not here to join us... I am so sad right now 😔.

Where are you? I hope you are doing ok?