The incredible Rufous Hornero, the bricklayer bird🔨 (April 2021)

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The incredible Rufous Hornero, the bricklayer bird🔨


Photo credits: Dario Sanches
📍Location: São Paulo, Brasil

It is inevitable not to think about the vivid colors and plumage when it comes to birds. The case of the hornero is different, and it is difficult for a bird to be characterized by anything other than its colors or its song, this bird is characterized by the construction of its nest...

A journalistic note published in Bioespecie by Matías Beltramino
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What do we know about this species?

The hornero is popularly known for its nest, a true piece of mud-based architecture, which it builds together with its partner. In Argentina it is considered a national bird and can be found anywhere in the country, even in large cities.


Photo credits: Dario Sanches
📍Location: São Paulo, Brasil

In reality, this species is one of those birds that goes unnoticed, since its adobe colors will not attract much attention if we see it.

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The hornero receives the name of its nest, you have to be really observant to realize that it is a fascinating bird and a great builder. It happens that, to add a strange fact, it is a very walking bird and usually does it without problems near human beings.


Photo credits: Dario Sanches
📍Location: São Paulo, Brasil

Its scientific name is furnarius rufus, it is not a very large bird, since it reaches twenty centimeters and its feathers are of ground color. This bricklayer bird has the habit of walking in search of small sticks and other materials to build its nest or to provide itself with insects that are its food and that of its young. It is known as a sedentary bird that does not migrate and usually flies small distances, just in the vicinity of its nest.

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How do they build their nest?

The first striking fact of the construction process is that both, male and female, work at the same time assembling their nest. This does not happen often among bird species. The baker uses his beak as a tool and with it forms small clay balls with straws, twigs, roots, manure or horsehair. In this way, it generates small "bricks" with which it builds the walls of the nest.


Photo credits: Fernando da Rosa Morena Fedaro
📍Location: Parque Lecocq, Montevideo, Uruguay

The hornero favorite place to build his home are firm branches, fences, traffic lights, lamp posts, cornices and even monuments. If the climatic conditions are right, completing the nest can take between six and fifteen days, obtaining a structure that weighs approximately five kilos and can support up to one hundred.


Photo credits: Mauro Halpern
📍Location: Guanandi

In the end, we will see a nest in the shape of an oven, and this is where the name of this little guy comes from. This teaches us that sometimes what goes unnoticed has incredible things that seemed to be hidden from us, and like this there are many more cases.

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Did you find the information interesting❓

Do you know of any other case where there is an animal that goes unnoticed but is an incredible species❓

Let us know what you think in the comments❗️

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Best wishes,
Biol. MSc. Juan Bacab G.🐬
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Capture several of these very common in South America! Thanks for the information how to build I think they use the same technique as the swallows!

Love those photos!

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