PRECIOUS Token Airdrop Now Halved

in Silver Gold Stackers8 months ago (edited)

Yesterday, on October 25th the Airdrop for PRECIOUS Tokens was Halved. SGS Members who are Upvoted by the Community Curation Account @ssg-community will now receive only 0.5 PRECIOUS Tokens for every 1 HIVE generated as a Curation Reward for their Upvoted Post. This reduction in the Airdrop was announced a few weeks ago and is just the first Halving event for the PRECIOUS Token Airdrop with more Halving's intended to follow in the months ahead.

Image Generated by AI

For those who are interested in acquiring more PRECIOUS Tokens there are still some available to purchase on Hive Engine as there is a limited number being resold from the @ssg-community account. These PRECIOUS Tokens held by the community account are only available for resale because they are the remaining proceeds from the recent Monster Raffle Fundraiser. Please note that there will not be any new sales of the PRECIOUS Token beyond what is currently circulating or that will be issued in future via the Airdrop.

It is intended that some additional Use Cases for the PRECIOUS Token will be developed in time, however I don’t have a published Road Map and since this is a completely non-profit and unpaid volunteer development from myself I make no apology for taking my time with it. Those who know me and my contribution to SGS in recent years will hopefully retain some faith in my ability to bring value to the PRECIOUS Token in future. I am keen to actively deter both speculation AND the dumping of the token so I know that I need to be careful with how I communicate to avoid the sort of price volatility that might burn someone. With that in mind I am not making any promises.

This initial period of the Airdrop has been intended to distribute the PRECIOUS Token amongst the SGS Membership whom are contributing content to HIVE and also give everyone a fair opportunity to accumulate some stake in the future of the Curation Project.


Take all the time you need @buggedout your Reputation in #silvergoldstackers is far more than your Hive Rep number indicates.

Thanks Kerris. That is very kind of you to say.

Awesome, I think my #1 spot should be safe 🤣
I made sure to buy more than the community and monster account has

I am thankful for the contribution in the community

Thank you for the update.

Scarcity is good. !WINE

Right on brother.👍

Keep up the good work! Thanks!

This is awesome, just getting to see this, so I can buy it on hive-engine too

Let me check it check out.

I'll be get some precious tokens and I'll check hive keychain after returning from my job in evening 😃 Thanks for telling me about this airdrop


The price is not that high after halving it would be worth more shortly hope so


Good to know about it. Thanks for sharing always meaningful content.

Thanks for letting us know about this token
I will check it on some exchanges or maybe Hive Keychain

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Yay! 🤗
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