Got in Some Good Graces

Last week I talked baout making a silver purchase at Monument Metals. In that post I shared the Silver Towne 1oz Buffalo Silver bar. Well, tonight I would like to share the 1oz. Royal Mint Three Grace Silver Bar.

The Three Graces, also known as Charites, are from Greek and Roman mythology. Depending on what part of the Greek or Roman culture, sometimes the myth had less than three and sometimes more than three of the Graces.

No matter the case, they seem to have been the goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, goodwill, and fertility. (Source).

Throughout my life I feel I have been in the "good graces" of some higher power. Not sure if it would be a Greek god or just pure dumb luck of the draw really.


Now some of the graces I just missed the boat on. I mean honestly I don't ever recall someone saying I was charming. Beauty is also something that has never been associated with my ugly Shrek looking mug either.

Nature on the other hand is something I love and respect. Nature has always taken care of me at some point in my life. There has been many times nature has provided me with food and shelter. Nature has also provided me a place to find peace when all I needed was some time away from the craziness of the modern world.

When it comes to human creativity, I just think I was at the end of the line when they passed that out as well. There have been times rabbits have been pulled out my ass using some creative thinking. But, that was usually when shit was real, and pressure was on to do so.


As far as goodwill, I got that all day long. In fact, it can be a detriment to me sometimes. There have been few occasions in my life where I did not wish goodwill toward another. The exception to that being a lack of goodwill toward myself for a period of time.

Then there is fertility. I have two grown male progeny, so I guess I drew the right straw there. That is unless the mailman got a couple nooners, then I am snake eyes there as well.

Anyway, thought I would have a fun play on the Graces while sharing one of the latest silver acquisitions. What grace(s) fits you best? Which one did you get a swing and miss?



Note: Images are my own taken with Kodak Z1012-IS

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That piece has an Art Deco kind of feel to it. It's an era that I admire from old movies, and the game Grim Fandango.

I remember reading about The Goddess of Victory during WWII, and the many depictions used during those times.

I don't know anything about art except what looks good to me. I could thiknk a kids water color painting looks good over a Picasso.

That's a lovely piece Joe. I love silver, but only have a few pieces of jewellery.

Thank you @erikah for the compliment. I am not much of a photographer, so I really never get the photo to do the real thing justice. When it comes to silver, I don't have much either when you compare to the veteran stackers on Hive.

Lol, there's still time to accumulate.

That's a really nice bar with a very cool design. That is awesome!

I thought it was too. May have to just find blank bars from now on :-)

I got me one of these nice bars too! 😍

That is cool. Goes well in a stack.

That's a really cool bar with a very nice design.
Nice addition to your stack.

I agree, they are nice designs. Hopefully it will help with the sell or trade down the road when it comes that time. I doubt it though.

That is a really cool piece. I am going to have to check out that site when I get ready to make my next purchase. I will likely be buying some more silver for my nephew for Christmas again this year.

That will be a nice present for the nephew. He seems to be the right age to appreciate it as well.

He's also my godson, so I try to do something special for him each year.

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