Liberty silver coins secret !

Liberty Silver Coins.jpg
Silver Coin

In 1796, United States made its first quarter dollar.

On the obverse a portrait of Lady Liberty was displayed, and above the lady we find the word "Liberty". The coin was minted from silver (90%) and copper (10%).

Over the years, the lady was removed by 1932, there's a drawing of the American George Washington. As before, the word "Liberty" stayed above as a constant symbol. With the same minted composition.

The quarter has no change until 1965. it has the same figure, but it contained no silver at all. It just contains copper and nickel.

For that American people had no repayable wealth with no value of money in future. it's just drawing with symbols but it has the same buying power than before.

In 1999, the phrase "United States of America." took Liberty place above Washington's head.

"LIBERTY" was moved to below the American man's chin but it's smaller than before.
Maybe from this year, the importance of liberty has been decreased as an American value.

There's different between "liberty" about people and telling your opinion or decision "liberty" about government.

Why they spend million of dollars in election if it's made by votes. "Liberty"


At times I wonder how do those blacksmith make this coin. How is it coated

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