Introduce Your City Community (IYC) Contest #2 - Sports

in Introduce Your City3 years ago (edited)


Introduce Your City Community (IYC) Contest #2 - Sports

Hello fellow Hive citizens,

This is the second edition of our **Introduce Your City (IYC)** contest. The first contest was well received and we try to give you another broad and easy topic in our second competition. This way, we ensure, that everyone can be a part of our community, even small-town residents.

We are still overwhelmed with the extent of your participation last time and hope for a similar outcome this time.

Without further ado. The topic of this week's contest.


Topic Of The Week



Like last time, you can pick any aspect of this subject with the caveat, that it has something to do with where you live or lived.

Are you in a sports club or live near a football field, where people are playing regularly (as a community focal point maybe). Or you have a small home gym to keep you fit. The possibilities for articles are endless and we'd like to read all your ideas.


Go out and enjoy your city, town or village, snap a few photos and tell us your story.

Our goal with these contests and overall with the Introduce Your City (IYC) community is to connect our towns and regions and to forge a bond between Hive-Users. Article by article, we'll accomplish this goal together.

Rules Of Competition

  • Post your article in the Introduce Your City Community / The community is listed as hive-137094.
  • The title should indicate, that the article is an entry to the current contest.
  • Place a comment with the link to your entry in the comment section of this post (and add a picture, if you like).
  • Your posts should be in English or bilingual with English as one of the languages.
  • We don't want to impose massive rules for you. This should be a fun and easy task, but it would be nice, if you can write a few words together with your photos.
  • Please be fair and only post one article per person.
  • It goes without saying, that all pictures and texts have to be your own.
  • Payout of this post is the end of the contest.

In addition to the rules, we would be happy, if you:

  • Invite a friend to join the contest and mention him.
  • Reblog this article to get the word out.
  • Engagement with other participants is highly encouraged.
As always, we wish you not only joy on your adventure, but finding new places or gaining a different perspective, while walking through your towns and cities.


We choose three winners out of all valid entries. All three will get **1 Hive and 100 ecency points** from our favourite Hive frontend @ecency.

Beyond our contests, we welcome every interesting article about your cities.
We really are looking forward to hearing many stories an seeing different places around the world from you.

If you have any suggestions or ideas to improve our common experience, feel free to tell us about it.

Good luck and have fun 😀.
Your IYC-Team @freedomprepper and @beeber.



Another great theme! I love how you make it work for everyone, no matter where they are in the world.

Thank you melinda :o). We try to be as broad as possible, which will be hard at Christmas. We are not certain what we could offer non-christians, when we roll out the christmas contes.. Do you have an idea?

How about how does you city celebrate the. December Holidays ? That would cover everyone.

That is a good idea. And if that is not a thing in some countries (muslim, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist countries), we could ask, if there is a holiday, they want to cover. That would be fair, I hope.

I think most cities will have a winter holiday that they celebrate! It will be fun to find out!

I am so proud, this is already our second contest running :-) I was thinking about people I spoke about IYC contests the last time, if it wouldnt be a nice oportunity for them to join.
so an extra invitation from me goes to:
@sabsel @tatdt @bolajidaud @funshee @otuyanancy @dirkzett
looking forward for your entries !LUV

Thank you very much for the mention, I will have to go around my new area and see what I can come up with.

Hi funshee, it doesn't have to be something in your new place. Maybe, you have a story to tell from your youth or a place at your old home. I really like to browse in my photo archive and discover "new" old things and memories, which I totally forgot about.

Thank you for the invite but I just dropped my link to my entry for this contest.

Thank you once again ❤️

Hallo cooler Wettbewerb, werd ich doch auf jeden Fall mal mit machen und mich auch gleich mal an den Post setzten. Überleg mir dann mal was ich schreibe. Ich hoffe das ich nichts übersehe.

Schön ☺ Wir freuen uns drauf ☺ du hast noch bis Donnerstag Zeit

Deinen Artikel zum thema Sport direkt in die IYC community posten
Im Titel "IYC contest" mit einbauen
Und den Link zu deinem Post hier in die Kommentare

Die Regeln im Prinzip ☺

Alles klar werd ich machen. Und danke nochmal😀

Hi golddigger,
wir würden uns sehr freuen :o). In NRW gibt es ja ne Menge an Möglichkeiten. Meine Großtante kam aus Dortmund und das Westfalenstadion war für ein paar Jahre mein Wohnzimmer :o).

Grüß dich.
Ja ich hab in meiner Kindheit sehr viel Fußball gespielt oder eher gesagt nur. War Jahre lang im Verein. Stadion Besuch kann ich dir auch nicht mehr sagen, wie viele es waren, hauptsächlich jedoch die andere Borussia, die von Niederrhein! 😉😂
Das Problem werden die Fotos werden, von früher gibt es vllt noch 3-4 Stück.
Aber man könnte ja auch was über die Zeit, als Fußballtrainer schreiben, da müsste ich auch noch Fotos zu finden.

Fotos sind ja nicht alles. Eine gute Story lese ich immer gerne :o).

Alles klar, werde mir Mühe geben.😀

Yay! 🤗
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Hi @hive-190931, here is my Introduce Your Community (IYC) Contest #2 - on sports. Sending best wishes as always.

Hi to all in IYC community, i'm glad to be here.
Gratulations to all winners of previous contests.

Here is my entry for this round of contest:

An adventure full of challenges and unusual experiences
An adventure full of challenges and unusual experiences

Regards from Serbia

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 21

Greetings, everyone
Here's my entry to the contest. Hope you enjoy the walk

Hatte ich eigentlich schon erwähnt dass ich diese community !LUV e ?
So viele tolle Beiträge in so kurzer Zeit ☺

Hello my dears, here is my post for the IVY Contest#2, I hope you like it. Best wishes and good luck to all.

Finally I was able to put something down for this contest ☺️

Here is my entry

That is a fantastic post.

Thank you very much 🥰

Yes I saw this. I think with all the pre christmas and thanksgiving postings, it was not the best time to set up the topic sports. But I really like your entry, hope while the community is growing we will get more people looking on the postings :-) Here some !LUV for your posting

This is a very nice topic to write on, I will try my best to create my own post