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RE: Hiking, and multipurpose guy

in Outdoors and more28 days ago

That is pretty awesome. I spent my day getting sunburned and rained on watching softball. We have a place near where I grew up that has old foundations from houses. I remember some of the houses when they were standing but the others have been gone longer than I have been alive. I always wonder about them when I walk by on the disc golf course.


Sunburned and rained on...the weather couldn't make up its mind I guess.

I like history and so this sort of thing is fascinating to me, call it a curious mind, and I like to delve into things a little deeper just because I can - I think this guy I mention is much the same It keeps him occupied and physically active so I think it's an excellent thing.

Yeah, it was a really weird day weather wise. I like history too. He sounds like a cool guy to talk to.