River Surfing - Bend, Oregon

in Outdoors and more10 months ago (edited)
Here are some shots of people doing a little river surfing in Bend, OR. According to this article, there is a rapid rise in the popularity of the sport. I know that most times when I visit here there is always at least 4 or 5 people and sometimes quite a few more. So take a scroll down and live vicariously through these adventurers. 😀


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This place is one of the US top 7 places to river surf and also shows up as one of the top places in the world.

The guys I saw surfing this day seemed to be pretty skilled. A lot of long rides with no spills.

You can usually count on a few riders not lasting very long on the wave...

Which is probably where I would be if I tried, so no judgements from me. 😅



This is a cropped version of the following shot. I liked the way this angle showed the rider down in the trough with the wter up around his waist.

I wanted to include the un-cropped version because of the guy meditating in the upper right corner while his dog watches the humans surf. Relaxation mixed with some physical activity.


Another view of the action from up on the bridge. This guy liked to go side to side and get some more extreme body lean going. There is probably a surfer technical term for this but I have no idea what it is. 😀



And I finish with a couple Gifs I created from my still images.

Please feel free to make comments or ask me any questions about this post.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Nikon D3300 and some Lightroom post processing.
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Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!


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