Lemondrop Strawberry Vodka by Edge Brewing Company

in FreeCompliments24 days ago (edited)

I'm not normally one who would give mixers, spritzers, wine coolers, etc., more than a passing glance. If you've seen my previous reviews of Edge Brewing Company's beers and huckleberry whiskey lemonade, you'll understand why I'll always make an exception for them. Every product of theirs I've tried has been excellent.

I've been disappointed with these type of mixers in the past, but this one is done well.

The Flavors
The lemondrop flavor is most noticeable first. It adds a slight sour aspect, but it's not going to make your mouth pucker. It does a great job balancing out the sweetness.

Then you notice the strawberry, which adds the sweetness needed to balance out the sour. It's not overpowering, so you don't lose the lemondrop flavor as the two flavors meld.

I know there's vodka in it, but I don't taste it at all. This certainly isn't the strongest mixer drink, but it's nice to not have an overwhelming alcohol taste overpowering all other flavors.

The carbonation added is a nice touch. It makes the drink seem light and refreshing, instead of feeling like you're drinking juice.

Overall Thoughts
The only real critique I have is I'd maybe increase the sweetness by 10%. Still, that alone isn't a deal breaker for me. I see this as a great drink for summer, and less sweetness may not be a bad thing, as you'll likely want more than one can.

If you have a chance to try this, I'd highly recommend it! They do a great job of keeping all of the flavors and sweet vs sour levels balanced, so you end up with a refreshing drink that leaves you wanting another!

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And I'm trying a Pepsi Lemon imported from Japan version, apparently it's a popular seller there. Non alcohol of course.

Interesting. Do you like it?

Tastes less sweeter, barely the lemon hint, no sushi notes but definite buzz of good old fashioned caffeine, a bit different from the Canada version. I got this out of simple curiosity. Can go well with any Japanese snack or dish including !PIZZA

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Not one for strawberries.
In my country, most kids fantasized of how sweet they'll be after watching on the television.
I did too.
Although my first bite of the fruit was so sour that I've gotten PTSD😂😂

Yeah, not all strawberries are sweet. If you get the darker ones, they're the sweetest. I'm sorry you got a really sour one. 😬

When I drink alcohol… the lemondrop is my drink of choice. So much so, that @enginewitty started calling me lemondrop after our first trip to Vegas. 😄

I am completely intrigued by this beverage you have shared. 😄😂

🍋 🍸

Yes ma'am! This looks good too. !PIMP !PIZZA !WINE

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Interesting, I'll have to try it sometime. I do like my vodka more in martinis though!


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