Happy Mother's Day and the Weekly Ten HSBI Giveaway!

First off, Happy Mother's Day to all of those of you who are moms out there! I hope you all have a great day today. I had pretty much forgotten that it was Mother's Day today, being single and having lost my mother some ten years ago somehow it just slipped my mind!

I always like to create a new header for each week I run the giveaway, it's a lot of fun to mess around with AI. These were both generated with AI and surprisingly it managed to get all of the spelling correct and produce some nice images without a whole lot of prompts today. AI generated material is becoming easier to produce lately, which sure makes me happy. Less work on my part!

Now moving on to the second part of today's post, the weekly ten HSBI giveaway. It looks like I will get this published on Sunday again which is always my goal. That leaves an entire week for people to get in their entry and with any luck walk away with some cool HSBI!

Moving on to the giveaway. I used to do a daily re-blog lottery. I really got tired of the daily extra work so I decided to give it up and focus on quality content only during the week. I am focusing on engagement in this contest, that's why the following statement is in bold.
This contest is not a re-blog lottery, so please read the entry instructions so you can have a valid entry and with some luck be a lucky winner!

The Giveaway

I will be giving out two prizes of five (5) HSBI chosen at random from all of the valid entrants. There will also be one gold foil Splinterlands card as a third prize. If you don't play Splinterlands just let me know and I'll send you an HSBI instead. To participate you need a reputation level of at least 25 and bots cannot win. And please one entry per person to make it fair to everyone.

If you would like to be placed on a weekly reminder list just let me know and I'll make sure you get tagged each week.

How to Enter

Every week this will change. I'm looking for engagement rather than just saying "I am in". There is no need to upvote or re-blog, although if you choose to do so I would appreciate it. This week's question is an easy one: How are you spending Mother's Day? I know in some places it isn't Mother's Day, so if it's not there, just tell me something interesting you did or learned today. How's that for easy?


If you are unfamiliar with the prize you can learn more here:


Or check out my recent post:

Choosing the Winners

All valid entries will be placed on the Wheel of Names and I will spin it three times. The first prize will be 5 HSBI units. The second prize will be another 5 HSBI units. And the third prize will be for the card shown below or one HSBI unit, your preference. And since I am spinning the same wheel three times in a row it is theoretically possible for the same person to win all three prizes! Although I have yet to see it happen, maybe this week?
Please note that this is a 2 BCX card with a current market value of about $0.35

One week from today which will be Sunday May 19, 2024 at 12 PM California Pacific Time.

Now to choose last week's lucky winners!

The wheel of names is always so random. Let's see who gets the lucky spins today!

And the first spin!


Congratulations @dkid14 you won 5 HSBI units!

And the second spin!


Congratulations @esmeesmith you won 5 HSBI units!


And the third spin!


And again this lucky guy pulls out another win! Congratulations @silvertop you have won your choice of the gold foil Hardy Stonefish for one HSBI. I assume it will be the HSBI, but you know what happens when you assume!

That will just about do it for today's post. Congratulations to the winners once again! If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please feel free to leave them below. Have a great weekend everyone!

And since I am posting in the #freecompliments community I just wanted to remind everyone to take some time today to be kind. A little kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life. Please check out the community and consider joining us.


Splinterlands card image is property of Splinterlands.

Headers generated with ideogram.ai

If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

This is a newer project trying to help new Hive members grow and stay with us here on our platform, feel free to ask if you are interested

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's not Mother's Day in here but it was last week. Me and my girlfriend visited my mother first and her mother after. We had lunch and dinner with them.

I did all my chores today and more in the entire house to help prepare for the party hosted by my mother to celebrate Mother Day.
Enjoy your day

I woke our two daughters (4 & 7) at around 5:45 AM. We snuck out to the grocery store, where we picked up the ingredients to make crab cake eggs benedict. Also was going to do mimosas, but champagne can't be purchased before 10:00 AM on Sundays in my location...so I made them with vodka instead since we already had that.

I made the crab cakes and the poached eggs and hollandaise sauce while the girls made little flower picture frames with special notes for mommy. Once the food and drinks were made, the girls carried a plate and glass upstairs to her (I first checked to make sure she was awake).

After breakfast we revealed the beautiful frames and flowers they picked, and then spent the day together. We laid out in the sun and watched our kids playing, and eventually my wife went upstairs to make mothers day calls while I made spaghetti with parmesan roasted broccoli.

All in all it was a wonderful day. I maybe got a little carried away with the orange juice vodka deal...yesterday was rough - but it was a spectacular fun day as a family overall :)

In the evening, we had a cozy family movie night with her favorite films and a delicious homemade dinner.

Sounds awesome!

My mom left me at the end of the driveway when I was 6 weeks old.. needless to say.. I don't celebrate that shit... but at least I recognize it as a legitimate holiday.. not some BS like Easter or Columbus Day.. I spent my evening watching the Nuggets tie the series and whipping up some biscuits and gravy for dinner..


Hey man, I checked out your profile and you seem cool AF, so I know you don’t need to hear this from me, but I’ve been thinking about your comment here all day long. I have two daughters, ages 4 & 7, and the thought of them - or really any child for that matter - being left in that sort of way absolutely devastates my fvcking soul. I’m so sorry she did that to you man, you deserved better. I’m glad you grew up to be a legit dude…well done sir, I’m looking forward to watching more getting high on the move content. Although I’m a stationary stoner, I do flute on the go, so we kind of have something in common I guess!
Anyway, stay cool brother, I’ll see you around

Now that is a great way to spend Mother's Day! I agree Columbus Day shouldn't be a holiday, and Easter only is because of religion. Then in Puerto Rico you get all sorts of extra holidays! I think the Nuggets have a really good chance to go all the way this year!

same.i lost my mom five years ago

A nice home cook meal that is done by me and my sister for my mum for Mother's day

Thank you much appreciated :)
Happy Mothers day!

You're welcome, I hope they help you get some more upvotes to help you earn!

Thank you crossing fingers!

we just spend mothers day in the house and order all our mothers favorite dishes so she wont need to cook.

That's nice of you!

@kungfukid! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (12/50)

You received an upvote of 34% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Please remember to contribute great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag to create another Precious Gem.

Thanks @thebighigg , the HSBI would be great!🤗
Mother’s Day………
With the kids grown, today Liz wanted to go to the largest plant nursery in town!
Not my usual hiking steps but an awesome day with the Mrs!🥰

I sent that off for you yesterday. Good idea to keep the Mrs. happy!

Thanks my friend!👍
It was a good Mother’s Day with the Mrs!😊

@thebighigg, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @thebighigg gets !WEED from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻


Hi, you didn't post new one yet so I guess this one still on.
Learned how HSBI actually works and I'm amazed how Hive is full of hidden treasures :)
Please add me to do notification list I don't want to miss this one, thanks
Good luck to all!

Dear @thebighigg, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @hiveborgminer.