Silver toucan coin from Belize /Re-blog lottery!

in FreeCompliments6 months ago

As a child I grew up in a landlocked state in the United States. We lived right next to a mountain with a river not to far away to go fishing. It was a lot of fun. However my experience with the tropical bird the toucan was pretty much limited to Toucan Sam selling Fruit Loop breakfast cereal. Fruit Loops is a great cereal! It was a pretty sheltered childhood until we moved to Orange County in California.

While I was living in the Caribbean I went on a dive trip to Belize and picked up a few nice commemorative coins which I have been sharing. This one is really cool because it's a toucan! Until I traveled to Belize I had never seen one outside of a zoo, they are amazingly beautiful birds in the rain forest. You would think that all the color would be a bad thing, but in the dense rainforests of Central America it's actually great camouflage. Anyway, here's the toucan coin:

About the coin:
Country: Belize
Mint: The Franklin Mint, Pennsylvania, USA
Year: 1974
Mintage: 31,000
Strike type: Silver Proof
Series: Avifauna of Belize
Denomination: Five Dollars
Composition: silver 92.5%
Weight: 26.4 grams
Diameter:37.8 mm
Edge: Reeded
Obverse: Belize coat of arms with lettering BELIZE SUB UMBRA FLOREO 1974 FM ( I flourish in the shade! is the translation from Numista)
Reverse: Keel-billed toucan on a branch

This is part of a silver proof mint set produced by The Franklin Mint, I have shared most of the coins I own from the set already. They are beautiful coins, unfortunately this one has some oxidation from being in a high humidity environment for too long, i.e. Belize. It's a great set to collect as it's not too badly priced, and on occasion you can find the whole set together but they tend to go for higher prices.

An interesting fact about toucans is there are forty one species of them all in Central and South America. The one depicted on this coin in the keel-billed toucan. They live from southern Mexico down through Central America into Colombia and Venezuela. The most prominent feature is of the the large bill. It may look large and awkward but it's in fact very light and used for reaching fruit that they toss into the air and swallow whole. While fruit makes up most of their diet they also will eat insects, lizards, small birds and eggs.

They're a medium size bird measuring 42 to 55 cm (17 to 22 inches) with the large bill making up much of their body length at 12 to 15 cm (5 to 6 inches.) They live in small groups of six to twelve birds and live inside of the hollow of tree often crowded together. The male and female share in incubating and caring for their young until they are ready to live outside the nest, which is also inside of a hollowed out tree. Unfortunately habitat loss is becoming a threat to their population and are considered a vulnerable species. Hopefully the countries where they are found will attempt to put some habitat protections in place, but it can be difficult to do with expanding human populations. They are spectacular birds aren't they? Beautiful!

I hope you enjoyed my post today, it was a lot of fun to put together. I honestly knew almost nothing about toucans prior to my research this morning! If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please feel free to leave them below. Thank you everyone for you support! Have a great weekend!

Keep on stacking!

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And my disclaimer:
Gold and silver stacking can be a fun hobby but isn't for everyone. You can lose money. I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice, please always do your own research before spending your hard earned money.


Re-blog lottery

Now for the winner of the re-blog lottery! Today we had 30 people re-blog my post, thank you so much! You guy are the best! The people who re-blogged were:


Voluntary daily reminder list for those who request to be on it: @ganjafarmer
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Good luck to everyone!

And since I didn't post yesterday today I will do two spins of the wheel, so two winners today!

And the Wheel of Names results:

Congratulations @ferod23 !
You will receive 3 HSBI units!

Now for today's re-blog lottery! You just need to re-blog my post you will be placed on the Wheel of Names for a spin to possibly win 3 HSBI units! Just one prize for the lucky winner. An upvote is not required but is always greatly appreciated. Bots aren't allowed to win the prize. Contest ends at 14:00 (2 PM) California Pacific time tomorrow. If I somehow missed your re-blog please let me know and I'll add you to the next draw.

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What's sick fiver 😍 !BBH

@thebighigg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (12/50)

Too bad today's fiver's aren't silver!

What do cats cook for dinner when they're in a hurry?
Minute Mice

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@bitcoinman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg

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This coin series would have my vote as a candidate for colorized issue in the future.
Have a drink little fella.

If they only made them still! They would have been awesome as a colorized set! That's a funny video!

Absolutely love your silver content! Excellent job!

And congratulations to the winner! Excellent work!


Thanks! Congrats on the bike!

Thank you I'm going to get some gas for it here soon. My first ride is going to be a good but short trip.

I was in Belize for a few weeks several years ago and I never got to see a Toucan. I saw howler monkeys and got to swim beside manatees, but had to leave without seeing that incredible bird! Love the coins!

Wave Media

Thank you!

@thebighigg sent you LUV 🙂 (1/10)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Dear @melinda010100, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @thebighigg.



Next I need some creepy tarantula coin!

The other day I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow.
I called her up and asked “Did you get my drift?”

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@trumpman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg

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They certainly are beautiful birds, I wonder why the colorful look help them with camouflage?
Toucan Sam and Froot Loops that was one of two cereals that I would eat as a kid the other was Cap’n Crunch Lol!🤣😇
Awesome coin my friend !🤗

Thanks! Believe or not there is a lot of color in the rainforest that isn't green, so they kind of blend in! Captain Crunch is good stuff too...

That's very interesting, very beautiful bird!!😀

Follow your nose! It always knows!


I went to the doctor the other day and he said you’ve got hypochondria.
I said oh god not that as well!

Credit: reddit
@thebighigg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of mirroredspork



Gotta love Toucan Sam!

I needed to buy a new pan to stir fry a large meal
I decided to go for a wok.

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@mirroredspork, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg



Thank you!

What did the priest get the altar boy for his birthday?
A Praystation 5

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@screamheart, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg





What do you say when a Southern person stabs you in the back?

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@thebighigg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of oskarl21


Thank you for the re-blog!

What do they call a cubic zirconia in Ireland?
A sham-rock.

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@oskarl21, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg



What a colorful bird, @thebighigg !

Just like Toucan Sam! Only prettier!

2000 people die at sea every year.
Let that sink in

Credit: reddit
@silversaver888, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg




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@thehockeyfan-at sent you LUV 🙂 (3/4)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Heya, are you on discord? Was trying to message you and couldn't find you in the SGS or any other server. Can message me on peakd if you want. Need some info from you that might not be best as a comment 😇

Just opened a new Discord, thebighigg987, or you can message me on PeakD as well. Thanks!

Just in time to reblog your post :)

I love toucans in terms of the way they look, I never really saw them in the wild, only in the zoo. It's a nice silver coin though!

How have you been? Today was a bit of a lazy day here but also one where I took a trip down memory lane diving into arts and collectibles and got my memory refreshed about valuable items to auction online. Tomorrow we visit a flea market and I aim to find some sellable stuff as well as nice decoration for our home. Wish me luck :) !LUV (out of pimp, be back tomorrow!)

That sounds like a lot of fun! I like flea markets and second stores. You can find all kinds of cool stuff. I'm usually listing some old stuff online daily for sale any more. I just really don't need all this stuff I have anymore!

I'm feeling pretty good for now (knock on wood.) Just going to go ahead and finish up a post for today. I try to daily but about once a week I take a day off so I don't burnout or write up a crappy post....


You must be killin' it out here!
@thebighigg just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Ah so you're another treasure hunter! Cool! Then you know the joy of finding a nice gem and selling it off for a profit :)

Sadly, all our stuff got left behind in Holland and with my mother's dead earlier this year, the few gems we had in her home are 100% surely to charity or a family member who thought they could make a buck from it. It's fine though, we will pick up where we left and do better!

Glad to read you're good now, I hope you keep that up :)

Smart move to not push yourself too much, I finally managed to write one ahead today so I'm going to aim for a few days max writing a few ahead and that way publishing daily. Let's see if life allows me to though :)