Our Saturday & Caturday

Maesi 26 Feb 2024 too adorable.jpg

Lazy bums

Our cats have been absolute lazy bums all Saturday and I can't even blame them. They are currently having steady times in terms of going bananas and feeling the hunting vibes, often followed by the zoomies where they use the full length of the house for a race back and forward and so on.


This can be a dangerous event which you may not suspect if you aren't a cat owner.. Sometimes someone opens the door to walk into the hallway or into another room, not suspecting the furry creatures (read: crazy monsters) to appear in front of their feet and barely being able to avoid tripping or worse. I had a close to heart attack many times in the past weeks thanks to their mad vibes. No reason to love them less though, they can be annoying for sure but look at that picture above from a few months ago. It's my screensaver because it's just the cutest!

Cat checking the camera.jpg
Tried taking a picture of Luna, Maesi stole the spotlight..

Need to know!

Maesi is one that needs to know everything, follows me around whenever she sees me entering another room. Toilet visits alone? Nah, when I had my kids, it was hard to go to the toilet alone but having these two cats it's even worse. Whenever I close the door, but not fully. I always see a white paw pushing the door open a bit further and then making a royal gesture with it as if she wants to say "I has arrived, now open the faucet for me".

Taps on the shoulder

I don't listen to them immediately though, because hey, I'm the boss.. at least I would like to be, lol. Whenever I'm ignoring the cat cuteness on the sink next to me, a tap on the shoulder either with or without a nail entering my t shirt (ugh) is going to happen and/or a big stretch towards my shoulder to let me know that she is still there and still wishes to drink from the tap.

Hooman shall obey

Luna has now copied this behaviour and has even become more annoying as she now added her cute little purrs and giving her head to my head making the cutest little sounds. I mentioned before that Maesi is loud, didn't I? And that Luna barely meows or makes a sound, unless it's growling against Maesi when she's bullying her.. well, Luna has now learned that with these cute sounds, I obey quicker and this means, Luna uses this against me and my willpower to ignore her.


And for some Saturday after all the Caturday stories I shared, let's move on to our Saturday. We all stayed in our housefits (lol) my boyfriend was best dressed in case they want to turn on the cameras having their management meetings.. But the kid has not taken of her pyjama all day, and I took the most comfy outfit for inside I could find which I don't mind finding cat hair on.

I have washed both the couch blankets 1,5 weeks ago but that fluffy creature Luna is losing hair like madness and I keep finding hairs and more hairs therefore I change into old stuff as soon as I get back inside, until I need to go out again, lol. To save myself some irritation as well as keep my clothes neat. I recently bought several linen pants for summer and I really want to keep them in great state to live through the summer, if possible.

Craft plans

Yesterday I printed a bunch of really good quality pictures for the vision board I'm going to create with my daughter as I wasn't satisfied with just the few folders I had as nowadays folders are a rare thing. Then I felt my back starting to become an issue again and I asked my boyfriend if we could finish the game of Monopoly today instead of me having to find creativity. He agreed, and he regret it later, lol.

We will surely do the vision board craft on Monday and/or Tuesday as I have this idea and want to have it done but not tomorrow as we will go on our family flea market stroll again and afterwards, we're always tired from the walks and food..

Monopoly equals stress

Even though this was just the fifth time playing it, every game in several days to finish, it's been such a stress moment every single time because our daughter still hasn't learned how to lose without losing it and is constantly being a little monster so the fun of playing is over quite soon.

Monopoly act for food.jpg

I bet we will not touch it for a while after we finish this game, we could not finish it today either but both of us had enough of her behaviour that we called it quits.


I wonder if this is the same with the original Monopoly vs this Carrefour Act for food version, but things seem really out of balance in terms of Money and payments/prizes you get etc. And see the card above for a mistake in the mortgage. All cards have a mortgage option and then you have to repay that amount plus 10% interest, this one is 10x the amount. They added a number too many, oops!

Great negotiation skills

My position in the game was not great from the start today and I wondered if I'd ever have a street and be able to buy houses, and or afford them. My boyfriend really wanted to swap things and tried to convince our daughter and me many times to swap and I kept saying no.

I basically said listen I don't need it, I don't have any liquidity to put houses on it so if you want it, you have to pay me 1500 on top of the swap. Eventually he did and so I could start building, lol. I helped the little one to negotiate a few times too but the man of the house has the white things called "act for food" where you pay 200 each time you land on them, they are in the middle of every side of the board, it happens a lot so he's always the rich man.

Oh well, we'll see what happens when we finish it, but definitely not in a while. Tonight is for TV time..

Have a good weekend!

All pictures above are mine..

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Thanks :) !PIZZA

Cats are funny creatures! I know the feelings you're talking about, even though I haven't had one in many years!

You're daughter will learn to control losing better through experience and age. It gets easier as they get more mature. Have a great weekend and I hope you're not in pain!
!PIMP at least I think I have one left

Yeah they sure are..

We have to keep practising with games so that she learns.. but I'm really leaning towards finding some shorter lasting games to practice lol. For our sanity :)


How did the day go?

You must be killin' it out here!
@thebighigg just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 20.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

With kids shorter is always better!

You must be killin' it out here!
@thebighigg just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

cute cats

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Thanks! !PIZZA

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