Overpowering Weaker Race In Overwatch 2 With The Most Beautiful Villain | 11k Damage and 13k Heal ~ 37 Kills | I almost felt sorry for them.

in Hive Gaming28 days ago (edited)

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well today.



Moira is a character that I feel that it reflects the inner version of the player. You could go full aggressive and damage all the players while healing yourself or heal your teammates and do occasional damage to refill the healing tank.

After much contemplation, I've concluded that Moira is officially the most amazing Overwatch character that could be as versatile as Iron! And, because of this versatility, this character can instantly switch from a pure healer to a ravaging damage player, not to mention the badass quotes she has in her arsenal.

This is one of the best gameplay I've had since the start of this week, it could be the best play I'll have for the entire month.

Without further ado, let's begin!

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The Team

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It was a lobby where my friends and I had queued up before playing a competitive match. Call it a warm-up match. I went with Moira as this was the best one to play among the healers simply because it has the ultimate mobility. I could zip past anyone without hindrance and heal my fellow mates and/or do damage.

The First Round

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We lost the first round. But, my stats were among the highest. My mate Dihan here did the most damage with a destructive force from above, then the enemy tank, and then immediately followed by yours. My heal was also a bit higher than my damage which was good compared to the enemy team healers.

The Second Round

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Somehow, we took over the point from the enemy team at the last second as I used my Ultimate move and it charged right back to 42%. That shows the sheer intensity of the battle.

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At the end of the second round, literally everyone's stats rose. My heal was increased by 6k and 3.3k damage. My kill count for the round was 13 which was better than the opposition's DPS. Their tank was the overall best player in the game with the highest kill however Dihan still maintained the spot of "highest damage done" by having 4k more damage than their tank.

The Third Round

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And, we won the round even after they put up a small resistance against us. They only captured the point up to 30% until we took it back and dominated it. They tank later changed to Ramattra since it had the highest survivability chance but it did not help much.

I ended the match with 11k damage, 13.9k heal, and a staggering 37 kills which was higher than the opposition's tank. The highest stats went to my friend Dihan. He had 41 kills with a hopping 18k damage, the guy was breathing fire by the end of the round. The opposition healers were not bad themselves, only one of them was out-healing me.

The worst part was not that I was not named the MVP, the worst part was that our stupid tank dared to write "EZ" as if he had contributed much to the winning. He was carried the entire game by me and my friend Dihan. Other than this, no other impolite texts were exchanged.


By the end of the second round, it almost felt that we no longer played your normal Unranked, it felt like a diamond lobby with ferocious opposition. My team was no less savage by that standard.
More importantly, I was a bit disappointed that I was not named the MVP, and the sad news was that my friend Dihan did not get it. The opposition's bastion got it, very surprising.

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Gameplay Video

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This game looks extremely intense. I would be absolutely terrible at it. I can tell that just from watching your video :)

This game looks extremely intense

Yep, the opposition looked like they were a squad themselves. That's why their coordination was sound and no move was random or erratic.

I would be absolutely terrible at it.

Practice makes progress, and you would be better at it than me if you gave it time and have your buds to play with you. That way, you are sure to improve exponentially as the group would compete with itself to be better.

Thank you for stopping by! Have a great day🍻

I only enjoy games like this when i am playing with my friends. I do not like playing with strangers who get unreasonably pissed off at you because you don't know every nuance of the game already. It does look like there is a lot to the game though. Seems fun!