Update 3.2 PUBG MOBILE

in Hive Gaming27 days ago (edited)

Is another major update and an introduction to a new season.
The question is what new things are waiting for the players.
I would like to give details about the season.
The previous season had alot of fun things to check out such as the flying carpet and a portal staff which were really cool and helpful in the game.
Check the video below it lets you know more about the update 3.1

The update 3.1 was concluded a day ago and irs season C6S17.
Now the update 3.2 is here and you may wonder what new features those it come with its bew season C6S18?

This new themed update brings alot of features such as the mecha robots which are of two types the normal one and the advanced mecha.

This is the advanced mecha.
The cool thing about this robots is the are really powerful and can stump and kill off players,has a magnet powered device for picking players and materials all over the map,ot also has a ranged missile launcher which can kill and destroy things.

Another is the jetpack which can be picked pretty anywhere around the map and it enables players to move around pretty quickly and avoid been killed by the zone.

It has a big disadvantage as you a vulnerable while in the air and enemies can easily eliminate you and cause you the match.

Next is the magnet gun which is also very common in all themed maps.I dont really see the use of this one as i use it for fun and prank my teammates with it

Using this device would be meaningful for teamplayers for getting up to buildings from the outside without any contact with it at all.

And my favourite thing about the update is the self revive kit
It comes in handy and you can use it to kill enemies who thought you would die after been knocked by them.
It takes about 10 sec to use and once used your back to the game with little health.

It ups my advantage over enemies who dont have it.
Though it becomes annoying when it is been used against you.

The revival disc as i call it,it makes recalling your teammates back to the battle field a whole lot easier than before.
Once deployed your teamates would respawn to the location it was deployed at.

Finally the feature which allows us to save ourselves while jumping of a high location.Before the update players would die from high location because of no parachute but with the update 3.2 it all changes players can tap the parachute icon to save themselves from high locations.

That's all for now guys as i play the update 3.2 i would share my experiences with you all
Till we meet again guys.


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