Golem Overlord is One of The Most Profitable Play to Earn Blockchain Game!

in Hive Gaminglast year (edited)

Golem Overlord is the newest play to earn game on Hive Blockchain. I shared a few post when I met with this funny game and said it may be more popular and It is very popular now...

The numbers of new players is going to sky. Today we got 505 new players. It is very nice to see new project on Hive Blockchain that supports the power of Hive! I hope It will be listed on Dappradar and bring more active users to the game and Hive Blockchain...

Here you can see the chart of active players and new players. It is going up. New updates of the game and being funny are the reasons of this charts direction..

Guilds are live today and It will effect popularity and activity of the game!

Ekran Resmi 2023-04-17 21.40.35.png

I invested only 20 SWAP.HIVE to sign up this game. I make 22.3 $PART which is the token of the game. 1 $PART is equal to 2 SWAP.HIVE now and I earn 40 SWAP.HIVE in a day... It is amazing ROI for a game!

I power up my golem to increase my strength. So, I may get more $PART when I attacking..

Ekran Resmi 2023-04-17 21.36.21.png

$PART is one of the most traded token in Hive-Engine. It surpassed SPS on exchange. It was very hard to imagine this scenario...

Ekran Resmi 2023-04-17 21.53.17.png

I believe that Golem Overlord will be more popular! It is important for Hive Blockchain to get a new popular game as Splinterlands. Hive is not only for blogging.

We will see the power of Hive!

You can register with my ref link.



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 152 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

No fun ... Some Robot keeps taking all my PART ... Nothing I can do ...
chungtlll276 chungtlll280 chungtlll310 ... multiple accounts ...

Hey @chorock, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow, that's pretty crazy. As I've already started to play Terracore I felt that jumping also on Golem Overlord might be a stretch. Do you think it is still worth it now and if I invest just the 20 Hive how long will it take to get my return back?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you can return back in two or three days. It is about your strategy.

Cool, I've joined the game through your referral link. Any tips what should I do in the first few hours in the game and/or how I can claim $PART tokens?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You should wait your claim time. You can claim your part tokens every 8 hours. Before claiming, you can attack someone and steal his parts. When you claim your token, it will be sent to your he wallet.

You can power up your golem to strentg attacking and attacked..

While you power up, you burn your part tokens. That is why part token price go up.

How do you power up ?

By clicking right side of skills

Thanks…. I figured it out … I was finally able to increase my Fortification with 1 $PART… How high should I build it to protect my Earnings ?

Over here ? I can't add anything ... when I click on Arrows I get a Do Not Enter Sign ( / )

Do I need 1 liquid $PART or something ? How much do I need to add Fortifications ???

I will have to wait another 8 hours ... Nothing to claim again ...

Screen Shot 2023-04-18 at 10.47.47 PM.png

Screen Shot 2023-04-18 at 10.48.02 PM.png

My strategy was to convert 50% of my claimed part to hive, and power up my golem for future...

Not a fun game .... Some Robot keeps taking all my PART ... Multiple Accounts ... Nothing I can do ... chungtlll276 chungtlll280 chungtlll310

The market for PART went haywire earlier today. Someone gobbled it up. Seems pretty popular.

This game sounds pretty neat! I just might give it a try. Thanks for the article!

I started playing Golem Overlord yesterday.

How is it going?

It is fine. I am still learning.

I believe that Golem Overlord will be more popular! It is important for Hive Blockchain to get a new popular game as Splinterlands. Hive is not only for blogging.

Completely agree and I definitely need to find time to try this game!
thanks for this post

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