Dreemerge Season Two Game wk3: That one key to unlocking the mystery card

in Hive Gaminglast month

It's been an intense moment trying to solve the puzzle to help revive Amani's Garden and not only boost her productivity but help her grow a new hybrid to get a better product that could fetch her money. Yesterday I was so happy and I thought I was going to just spill out the truth, even though I don't know what the final look of the garden will appear like, I know it'll end up a single card and that's it.

So what's making the puzzle hard to solve?

The single answer is "fear of making squashes" and how would you know what you're thinking is right or wrong when you don't get a squash?. Get 50 dreemie cards, 12 of each plant and you'll solve the puzzle in a day. So the major limitation isn't you trying to think, the major limitation is taking action. Get a squash and rest. Hehehehe. It's the only remedy to all the numerous thinking and thinking.

The truth is, enough clues have been given and personally as an individual I don't like too much talk, I prefer the action. do the talk and back it up with action. If you need a clue go through dreemsteem's post and comments and you're just ready to make the garden work. The only reason why one may not be able to get the clues is that they think too hard. Make a hybrid is as simple as make a hybrid, 🤣. It's a merging process is as simple as it's a process. The simple truth is, the three things holding the puzzle still lingering are: dreemie card, plants, and risk. Have these and we'll start thinking of season 3.

In case my long post is still blurry and you can't comprehend, here is the whole truth to unlocking the mystery. Work hard in getting more cards and take risks, outside these, you're only thinking. You will only wake to my comment where I'm declared the winner if you keep asking, thinking, arguing and not take action. I wish I can tell you just what to do for those who have the characters but I haven't eaten at the point of making this post and a hungry man is an angry man. Much love dreemers. Before the end of next week, the puzzle would have been solved and the game would come to an end.

All images are screenshots from the gaming site


Hahaha. I agree with you on this. Most dreemers are afraid of getting rotten squashes, so they are threading carefully where action is needed.

I have merged those 5 cards you talked about and I got a beautiful new card 😂😂😂.

Thank you for always sharing the right tips.

Always a #dreemerforlife

Thank You for trusting in my clue, I deliver the right tip. Contact me anytime, I have more I can give you to try. Hope the new card looks like a productive plant. That's what I got.

250hbd to give you the entire secret

The card is so beautiful. I might just take you up on that offer.

The game is ending next weekend. This I'm sure of

I have Dreemie card and plant
It’s left with the risk🥲
Maybe I should just stop Season 2 and wait for season 3
