Bloodborne πŸ“½ Through the Lens

in Hive Gaming β€’ 9 months ago


Calm down there partner. πŸ˜†

As we are going through fromsoft's catalog of amazingness (yes, that's a word, look it up) we take a break from the Souls series to focus on something very special. Well, it depends if you have played it or not. πŸ˜… Exclusivity is great and all, but sometimes it hinders a lot of people from trying out an otherwise amazing title.

Such is the regretful case with this gem, which for many is fromsoft's best endeavor by a long shot. And for others just an impossibility to play since they don't have a PlayStation. 😭

Therefore❗️ In this edition of Through the Lens 🎞, we'll be taking a look at fromsoftware's bloody descent into madness from 2015: Bloodborne, ◀️

(we are still praying for a remaster on all platforms, maybe one day...)

Roll it! πŸ“½

πŸ”· UP TOP πŸ”Ά

The soundtrack here is a lot like the other Soulsborne titles, except it's a smidge more urban and a bit more eerie. To suit the themes of the game. It is one of my favorite fromsoft soundtracks, and I suggest you give it a listen while reading this piece. πŸ˜‰

Composed by Yuka Kitamura, Tsukasa Saitoh, Cris Velasco, Ryan Amon, Nobuyoshi Suzuki and Michael Wandmacher

Be warned! I've only ever played this game in spurts. I personally didn't own a PS4 at the time, and my only connection to this game was through a friend. And you know how it is when you have to sneak into your friend's house at 2 a.m. just so you can play a couple of hours of a game before the house wakes up. Yeah, it's rough. But I have seen and studied the entire game like all the other fromsoft titles, so believe you me, I have a lot of thoughts.

So let's get to them before they start bursting at the seams.


So far, the fromsoft catalog has consisted of Deamon Souls and Dark Souls 1 and 2. Three very similar experiences. Most people at this point figured fromsoft knew what they did and would stick to it. Little did they know that they were just getting started. 😀

Bloodborne is the first true departure from the typical fromsoft formula. In many ways, it has the skeleton of the previous titles while innovating and iterating on many others. For fans of fromsoft, it was a welcome change of pace to the already mostly figured out Souls-combat and exploration. Those elements are present but morphed. Similar to the mind of our protagonist.

Firstly, this is the only urban setting fromsoft has ever done. VR games excluded. We have Sekiro which is ancient Japan, and Armored Core which is futuristic alien planets. And of course the standard medieval fantasy of the Souls series. But Bloodborne is the only urban fantasy title in their catalog. And this bit of novelty goes far when you count into consideration fromsoft's amazing and frankly unmatched art direction. 🎨

It's not just how the game looks, or even the vastly different type of narrative. It's also how the game plays. A holey unique experience to any other fromsoftware game. Again, built atop the shoulders of giants, but still its own. Let's explore why, shall we?


Yes, the title of this section is a Sonic reference. No, Bloodborne is not a 'speedy game'. Yes, I don't care I still used it. Why? Because Bloodborne's combat is the most frenetic out of all the other fromsoft titles.

Sekiro is by far the most complicated and skill-intensive, but I would argue Bloodborne is not far behind. Everything in this game is about offense. Attack, attack, then attack some more. This is the total opposite of their previous titles, which required pattern recognition and playing defensively until you had an opening to strike. That aspect is still present here but in much fewer, more concise spurts.

Every mechanic in the game works in synchronicity to this core design principle. The attacks are much faster, and enemies get staggered a lot easier. You can recover your health by continuing to attack. You can recover your health flasks by attacking as well. Have I made my point yet? 😁

There are exceptions to this rule, of course. But they are exceptions. The pace of Bloodborne has yet to be matched by any other fromsoft the game. And only the recently released Lies of P comes close to matching it. It is why Bloodborne has such a dedicated fanbase. It is an experience uniquely its own.


I would be amiss not to mention the obvious Lovecraftian influence. It seeped deep into the core of the design and story of Bloodborne. πŸ’―

Elden Ring is my favorite in terms of fromsoft direction - mainly because of George's influence I'd wager. But Bloodborne is a close second - and that doesn't have George's influence. So that should tell you a lot.

I won't spoil it, but at a certain point of the game, you realize something that changes your perspective of the entire experience you've had so far. It is very Cthulhu, it is very otherworldly, it is very gothic, and it is very cool. 😎


For many, Bloodborne's legacy is the best fromsoft game ever made. And that's saying something when you take a look at their impressive slate of releases. There are no deniers of its greatness like there are with Dark Soul 2. If anything, its lore has only grown over the years.

In that sense, it's PlayStation exclusivity has helped to raise its mystique. A lot of people have never had the chance to experience Bloodborne. And with such a demanding word-of-mouth presence, it has garnered a sense of awe from a lot of people who haven't played it.

I am sure the day will come when we either get a remaster, or a Bloodborne 2. And I'm sure it will no longer be a PlayStation exclusive. Allowing the rest of the world to experience this fascinating title. Until then, it remains a solid entry into fromsoftware's impressive catalog. And a game remembered in the anals of history as "a great game." Not much more you can ask for if you're a dev.

BW twirl. png

Thank you for reading, you rock! (and maybe roll) πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Shout-out to the πŸ•PIZZAπŸ• gang, πŸ€™ gang. πŸ€™

Next up we're returning to Dark Souls 3. Finishing up the trilogy only to then jump into something completely different with Sekiro. Then we'll go back to where it all started with Deamon Souls. Specifically the Blue Point remake. I hope you all join me as we continue to cover this great company that is fromsoftware.

πŸ‘Š Follow me on my HIVE blog πŸ‘Š

I hope you are having an amazing week! πŸ™Œ

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Β 9 months agoΒ Β 



Β 9 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

It's clear that Bloodborne holds a special place in the hearts of gamers and I personally witnessed a lot of gamers loves these Borne games a lot when I myself don't play these cause these FROMSOFT game looks so hard to me.

@tipu curate 10

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

It does. And you should def give them a try. Once you get a hang of it, the difficulty is the most enjoyable aspect of the games.

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

Bloodborne is really the only Fromsoftware game that I enjoyed. There's something about it that made me fall in love with it that Dark Souls never had.

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

A lot of people think that way. And I honestly can understand why.

God I have always wanted to play Bloodborne, one of the great fromsoftware titles apart from Sekiro, this game every time I saw it I just said "Someday I must try this title".

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

I also want to play it from start to finish, I've only ever played bits and pieces of it. Great title.

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

The only game that I played for 3 months straight. I was completing the dungeons, a whole new level of grind. I streamed it all too. God, the memories keep flooding back. I wish to play the other souls games too.

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

You should. Sekiro and Elden Ring especially if Dark Souls is not to your liking.

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

I finished Elden Ring under 120 hours with 118 level. I beat Malenia and other bosses and gargoyles in the dungeons. I plan to buy all the Dark Souls but the price is still a bit high for me…

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

Well, you're all set then! 😁

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

Except for the money partπŸ™ƒ

I have always steered away from this game because people labeled it as a "Souls-like" game and for the most part those games are just too frustratingly difficult for me. I do have it in my PS-Plus catalog but have always just passed it by presuming it would just make me mad. There are a ton of people out there like you that absolutely love it though.... maybe it is time I just went ahead and gave it a shot.

Β 9 months agoΒ Β 

The whole point of these games is overcoming the challenge. If that doesn't suit your fancy then I'm afraid you won't have a good time with it. But if you manage to put yourself in the mindset of 'hey, I sucka t this game right now, but it will feel all the sweeter once I know what I'm doing' you'll be granted with an experience like no other.