Ashe Lillia Duo Carry - TFT Set 11

in Hive Gaming27 days ago (edited)

Hello my friends, good day, I hope you are having a great time. As always I'm here with a good game, the patches in the game keep changing but for a few patches now there is a composition that wins every game. Today I will share with you the power of two ladies, @pravesh0 will like this one as they are pretty cute :P


You can watch the gameplay video here:

The universe of this game is Prismatic Prelude, so we will start the game with a prismatic augment. This changes the game drastically because if you find a suitable augment at the beginning and everything goes well, no one can stand against you.

The Starter Kit is definitely not a bad choice. With a little luck you can win the game. Champions like Lee Sin, Kayn or even Sylas can help you dominate the early game and the mid-game, but if you find a champion like Morgana, it won't help you much and abusing a prismatic augment can lose you the game. However, I think Level Up! is the best augment in the game right now. When you buy XP you get an extra 2 XP and you instantly get 8 XP. This allows you to reach level 9 quickly. Let's face it, the strongest compositions in the game are still the ones we can reach at level 9 because the legendary champions are so strong.

I had an almost perfect early game, and I say almost because losing the last fight ruined everything. My opponent got Syndra with Starter Kit augment and had 3 2-star champions at level 5, so I couldn't beat him...

Silver Veil is a good fighting augment. It gives your team 5% attack speed and immunity to initial crowd control effects in fights. There's a lot of annoying crowd control in the game right now. If you don't want champions like Lissandra, Nautilus to spoil your fun, go for this one lol.

Mid game was not bad for me at all. If my winning streak had continued I would have preferred to play more aggressive but there is no need for that. As long as I'm not too low on health, I'll get to level 9, build my composition and probably become invincible.

Teaming Up II is an augment where you need a bit of luck, but I like it. The support items are good right now and this augment gives you a support item and 2 4 gold champions. This is where you need luck, it's all random :P

At the end of stage 4 I have almost completed the composition, which consists of Ashe, Annie, Lillia, Kog'Maw, Nautilus, Azir, Lux, Amumu and Lissandra. You activate important stats like 4 Porcelain, 4 Invoker, 2 Sniper, 3 Mythic. Our main carriers are Ashe and Lillia. Ashe's best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge and Giant Slayer. And for Lillia, Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet and Nashor's Tooth. I think Nashor is one of the most favored items for mages lately.

As you can see, I managed to beat a very strong Heavenly composition and I haven't even found Lissandra yet. My opponent has already completed his composition, he even has 2 star Wukong and 3 star Qiyana.

After finding Lissandra, the composition reached its full strength. Now all I need is some small buffs. I can do some crazy things later. Maybe Ashe 3 stars or Annie 3 stars.

Sorry Inkshadow composition, even though you look strong, you can never beat even my tanks. Speaking of tankiness, Annie might be the most tanky champion in the game right now and she's our main tank. I'm always adjusting tank items to the opponent lately, but items like Redemption, Warmog are very good for Annie.

Bard's composition is actually very strong, but it is not at a level that can compete with my composition. I even managed to reach level 10 and don't forget that it's all thanks to the first augment I chose. If you take a look at the damage graph, you can see that our main carries are always in the first two places.

We are down to the last two with the Bard composition, but even with dozens of buffs he couldn't even come close to beating me. Honestly, I could have lost a round on purpose because I was very close to making Ashe 3 stars. That would have been a more awesome finish. Also, I placed 2nd Ashe on the board, but you can use 3rd Exalted champion to get more damage.

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day!

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 26 days ago  

Perfect! Always go for the cuter option bro.

Cuter is not always best bro 😂

Hi, nice game my friend, take my like.👍👍👍

Thanks for the like mate