Survival Gets Harder - Frostpunk Winterfell #2

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Hello all, I am with you again in the second episode of Frostpunk, the game that warms us on these cold days. Last time there were a few games in between, but this time I plan to share the episodes more frequently. I will try to share a Frostpunk episode every day as much as I can. Of course, there may be interruptions, but this is my plan. You can click here to read the previous episode.

Let's make a short summary for those who don't want to read the previous chapter. We have taken over a city on the brink of collapse and we are trying to set things right. We added our friends who wanted to join the game in the previous scenario (Hrichakar, Queenstarr, Technicalside, Bong and Frankevor). We are running out of coal very fast so we need to do something and of course we have 3 main missions to accomplish. Remove 30 wreckage, raise hope to 50%, reduce unrest to 25%.

Coal and wood are such a big priority for us that I started building the coal mine and the wall drill in the middle of the night. We need coal for heating and if we don't have heat, nothing else matters. And wood is one of the basic materials for construction and research. Without wood we can't build anything and there are very few resources to gather around. That's why we need this building. I hope you understand how important they are.

On day 2, the first death occurred. I think you realize how much more difficult this scenario is than the other one. In the other scenario, no one died except for a few people who committed suicide, but now one person died due to lack of treatment. What? Lack of treatment? I already have a lot of health centers, but I don't know what's making these people sick. I think they have corona and they're infecting each other. Fortunately, it wasn't one of our five friends. I'm happy about that.

Just an hour later two more people died. Again it was not one of the team, but things are getting scary now. I need to heat the houses and open more health centers as soon as possible. It is very difficult to heat the houses because they are so scattered. I will build steam centers in a few central locations, but this means very high coal consumption.

3 more people have died and what I feared has happened. People came to give me one last warning. If I don't raise the hope to 15% in 2 days they will start a revolt against me and that will be the end of the game. The game is really no joke. I have to be serious and find solutions.

I normally prefer to build a graveyard, but the people in our city thought it would make more sense to build a snow pit. Some of the dead here are from the previous uprising on the side of the people and others on the side of the government. People are thinking of throwing the rulers out of the city altogether. If we approve this, there will be less unrest. If we tell them that they have already paid for their crimes and not to touch them, hope will rise. You can guess what I've chosen. I have to raise hope.

My coal stockpile will be gone before morning and I made a promise to the people. To keep that promise, I signed the crisis shift. This law allows me to keep a plant running 24 hours a day. It sounds cruel, but we need it to survive.

And guess what? Someone died because of the crisis shift. I had only started the shift a few hours before. God, this game is really pushing my limits. It's getting on my nerves, hahaha. What do you want, to freeze to death?

Give twice as much food to working children? I don't know who came up with this genius idea, but we are already short of food. I don't know how we're going to cope with this, but if it raises hope, it's worth it. Because we need it to survive.

In the previous scenario, we chose discipline. Remember? This time I'm going to choose religious faith. I hope that through worship and prayer people will find some hope and stop rebelling. Immediately after I signed the law, I built 2 places of worship.

After the houses of worship were built, hope rose and we crossed the 15% mark. Oh my God! That was so exciting. I almost didn't make it. The problem is that deaths affect hope a lot and it was impossible to make even 15%, but we did it. It's really a great success!

Yes, what I feared has come true and this is what will happen if we don't work any overtime or build an organized city. We ran out of coal so people's houses were not heated. And of course I was the guilty one for breaking my promise. I don't know what to say, the hope that I worked so hard to build up has come crashing down again. What can I do?

Most of the wreckage has been cleared. So we managed to clear a total of 30 wreckage and completed two of the four tasks we had to do. There are two left. Let's see if we can accomplish them. Or what sacrifices will we have to make?

One of our biggest problems right now is the overcrowding of health centers. Amputees are cared for in health centers and they don't need to be there. Also, seriously ill patients can be cared for there more easily. This law is one of the most useful laws I have ever passed. Immediately after that I built a nursing home and that gave a little bit of hope.

Tomorrow it will be 20 degrees colder and the only solution I can find is heaters. I've started research to upgrade them. It probably won't be ready in time for tomorrow morning, but that's okay.

And that's the end of another chapter. In the next episode I will check on the status of our characters, I hope they are all alive. Some deaths annoyed me so I didn't check them but in total 10 people died. 10 out of 580 and I hope they are not from our team. It is important for me that you like this scenario. Please write your thoughts and your name in the comments if you want to be in the game. Thank you very much for reading. Have a great day and watch out for the cold!

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The play beautifully depicts how the religious order fosters hope. This scenario is really difficult. I have the game and what I can recommend, and you've already touched on it, is coal. If you can somehow make automoton machines and let people rest, that would be great. Yes, it's really hard to make them, but the fact that they work non-stop is a very good resource.
Food is also important for health problems... Everything is integrated. It's a very entertaining game!
I haven't played this scenario yet either, I have to try it. 😁

I love everything about this game, you have to manage everything in a balance and you have to be careful when you make decisions.

Although you have embarked on the difficult task of restoring a city in ruins and giving people a glimmer of hope, I believe you will succeed. It is also worrying that the weather is getting colder and there are people dying. The only consolation is that the deceased is not one of your teammates... Coal and wood need to be stocked and health centers need to be increased. Your hopeful heart will overcome them. Good luck.

Thank you very much for your nice comment. I will do my best to overcome this situation. It is not easy, but it is not impossible. I'm working on coal mines and health centers. We'll see how it turns out.

We have taken over a city on the brink of collapse.

I don't quite get this, are you taking over for someone else. Like a real person who made a mess.. Or is that a game mode in frost punk where you start with a completely built city?

Btw im glad we survived, and if we start pecking I sure hope i wont be the first one to fall over😂

It sounds like a fucking warzone out there broh, what difficulty did you set it on? Because it seems like every decision you make good or bad, has bad implications at the end

I think the answer to your question was given in chapter 1. I suggest you read it. Yes, we took over the city while someone else was running it.

This is the normal level difficulty of the game. There are 2 more difficulty levels above that and I don't even want to see them hahaha.

It sounds scary how the peoples are dying in a sequence. No matter how many health centers you set up, there always comes new illness that peoples doesn't understand at the first phases.
Your survival gets harder but shouldn't be impossible, keep surviving.

Of course I'll. Nothing can stop me. I'll try to survive all people in my city.

Good luck.

bad conditions, just terrible.

I better not be dead Kardesim😂

You are not dead hahaha. I'm going to save all of us kardesim.


This is too much to handle. Hundreds of variables and situations to deal with. No wonder it is brutual and challenging.

If I don't raise the hope to 15% in 2 days they will start a revolt against me

Never knew they could do that as

Paying double to children? Can I be one of those? They might survive longer.🤣

No you'r not a child man hahaha. I don't want to give you spoilers. You'll learn tomorrow about it. And don't think like that. Children always die faster in this game.

Children always die faster in this game.


I will be waiting for the next episode...hehe

I believe you'll take the right decisions to keep us alive. If survival gest harder then your decision should be smarter, keep going.

I'm doing my best and I'll be better. Don't worry about your life man. You are safe with me

 2 years ago  

this was an exciting read. I like it so much that I will reinstall frostpunk. don't joke about corona lol, it's still too soon. HAHAHAHA.

I was not going to but really? They all going to sick I don't know why. It's so stupid hahaha.

Just reinstall in but don't play in hard mode. It's extreme.

 2 years ago  


A god simulation game xd, very good post mate, hope those npc's don't get cold.❤️🤣

They got cold too fast. Thanks for your comment dude!

Nice community to meet games and learn from acquaintances <3

You should take the decisions more carefully now as its getting harder.
Nice screenshots.

Thank you for your thoughts. I'm doing my best.

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I'm sure the people you lost died of hypothermia, very cold without heating is inevitable, I'd like to participate @daddydog I just hope I'm not the next victim of the cold xD