Hacker Fascination : Hack a Sentinel Pillar

in Hive Gaminglast month

Polo and Tethys, to the concern of Nada, have become obsessively curious about the inner workings of Sentinel technology. They wish to harvest the secrets from a Sentinel Pillar, for use in their own personal projects.

After receiving the mission's info from the Nexus, I leave space anomaly to the targeted planet. The Sentinel Pillar was coordination located on a High Sentinel Activity. When I reached the planet it has external toxicity of 110.7 tox, which were extremely high.

So, the Sentinel Pillar was located on Planet Zozavil. It was the first time I land on this planet. I can see the atmosphere on the planet was extremely toxic, green gases were everywhere. I could lost my life not only because of the sentinel's attack power but also because of the insanely high level of toxicity on this planet.

Searching for the Sentinel Pillar was quick. I saw a huge reddish building, high-tech look alike, that must be the mission's target. I scanned the area's beacon, and extracted the navigation data, saved the game, and ready to initiate the mission. My advanced gas processing actually has improved my sprinting efficiency and able to sprint further during the toxic storm.

The Sentinel Pillar were guarded by high level of Sentinel security robots and drones. There's no way I can defeat them by using barely my Hijacked Laser Beam. I just realize that I forgot to transfer my Scatter Blaster Ammunition from the starship inventory.

I am so excited to see a new sentinel unit in front of me. I was a big high tech robot. How can unprepared traveler eliminate something that big and high tech!

I saw the terminal that I need to hack. The Boundary Archive Terminal was locked. In order to unlocked it, I had to destroy all three Pillar Control Node which were located nearby. As an unauthorised presence detected, the terminal auto-lockdown initiated, so I had no other option but to destroy all the control nodes.

I switched my multi-tool into damage mode, Scatter Blaster, and start shooting and destroyed all three Pillar Control Nodes. While battling the extreme storm, I soon will be facing large numbers of high tech sentinel that want me eliminated.

Destroying the Pillar Control Nodes gave me Salvaged Glass, which was worth the effort. That's why it's called Harvestable Sentinel Technology. So, whenever I destroyed one node, I activated my Cloaking Device to escape from the sentinel radar, but that's only last for a while. After all node were destroyed, I had to eliminate 6 wave of Sentinel Guard Forces before I can access the Boundary Archive Terminal.

I realized that I am not ready for combat, not with my current Scatter Blaster Ammunition value. So, I tried to analyze the situation and read their attack pattern. But it was all random and they hit pretty hard.

I went to the top of the Sentinal Pillar, which quite a good strategy. The robot cannot reach me. The can attack from the ground but missed so much. I was thinking that I cannot be defeated once I am inside my starship.

So, I activate my jetpack and fly away, heading to my starship. I was thinking shooting from above while the Sentinel Guard Forces on the ground. I should be much more easier to complete the guard wave like that.

Unfortunately, after defeated few Sentinel Interceptor that came as soon as I flying my starship, the Sentinal Guard Forces wave didn't counted as complete. Worst, it reset to 1/6. I never expected that.

Then, I landed on the ground, and started to face the sentinel wave all over again. I lost count of how many drone were there. There were attack drone and repair drone. Attacking should be prioritize the repair drone first or the drone will become undestroyed.

So, I went to the top of the Sentinel Pillar again. The amount of Sentinel Drone that attacked me were insane. My resources cannot keep up with the overall damage that I received from the Sentinel Drone's laser beam.

Then, I took out my computer base, and claimed this area as my base, and started to build wall of protection. The strategy work really well! With the wall protecting at my back, left and right, I don't have to worry about the amount of drone that came. They came just in front of me, and that destroyed them with barely my Hijacked Laser Beam, my mining laser beam!

The Sentinel Drone were not an issue anymore. But, the two robot was the main problem. I barely damage them with my mining laser beam.

I defeated enough drones that I finally reach highest level of wave. At the maximum level of guard wave, the most advanced land-based Sentinel has came, the Sentinel Walkers also called Bipedal Walkers. Their execute insane amount of damage which giving me hard time for first timer.

The Walkers size was massive. It almost as equal as the Sentinel Pillar building. While I was at the top of the building, it actively walk around to search the chance to shoot me with it's ultimate laser. I am so excited!

I took out my Scatter Blaster, this time I am ready to fire and had confident to defeat the Walkers. I have around 20k ammunition and that's more than enough to eliminates the Walker.

After I destroyed the Walker, local sentinel network has been disabled. No sentinel will come for quite some time after this. So, I a free to extracted any resources in this planet without the Sentinel disturbing me.

Defeating the Walker gave me Walker Brain. It's a component that is used for crafting. I took a memorial capture of my first Walker defeated. Feel more confident to face it in the future. It's not as hard as I thought.

I went back to the Sentinel Pillar Access Node, the Boundary Archive Terminal. The Boundary Nose finally exposed and vulnerable. The voice of the Hive finally manifesting personality protocol. "Behold the drones of the hive, the walkers, the ship.. Eheu! Behold the angels of glass, come from their heaven. Their works is the completion of all things, of life, world." a song chanted.

I am so excited discovered the Song of Oltsov-XVII, a rank A multi-tool! I like this new multi-tool of mine very much! The color, the design, and the rank! Thank you so much for this! Yes! Cannot wait to fully upgrade it and install all best upgrade on it!

S, it's finally over. Mission complete! I return to the Space Anomaly and take my rewards, 400 quicksilvers. It was another daily grind for the quicksilver that I enjoy very much. If you read this far, thank you so much for your support and attention. Until next adventure in No Man's Sky! Have a nice day. Goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with a black exosuit armor that generated by ToonMe apps.


Thank you so much!

 last month  

Man, how wonderful this game looks, especially for its graphics, everything looks so polished and so futuristic, especially the thousands of customizations you do, by the way one of the weapons you carry looks a lot like one of those of Halo.

I never played Halo before, good to know 👍👍 Thanks for stopping by !LUV

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