Gran Turismo 5 gameplay - March 16 2024

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

It has been awhile since I did a gaming post, with leaps of advancement in emulation I figured this would be a great time to see how far my favorite PS3 games have come along when it comes to playing them on PC.

Using a powerful computer we emulate the code of the Playstation 3 and make it playable on my computer, this provides options to upscale the game and can run at higher FPS’s (with powerful enough hardware) than it ran on console.

I apply the needed settings for the custom configuration of this game, and then add the update files. Using the RPCS3 wiki I find the needed settings for running this game properly, and which update is the max. I can query the PS3 update server and pull the update packages. Amazing that server is still up, I feel like that will not be the case eventually and I really hope some archives the update files before the sunset the PS3 support.

All ready to go I start racing, though its still a little glitchy. We can see that gradient effect in the bottom right corner. Some glitches can only be resolved by lowering the quality of the rendering. Such as the "strict rendering mode" when enabled fixes this, but the textures and shaders do not look as nice. So I guess sometimes I need to pick which glitches I am okay with to keep the higher of the graphics settings persevered.

I still finish first with around a 4 second lead.

Got myself first in the compact car race series.

Won myself a car, now its time to claim it.

Very cool, I think its always the same prize cars. I probably wont drive it, as I used the prize cars mostly in the previous play troughs. Since I updated my game to a newer version I got myself some DLC cars check out.

One of the DLC cars being this Golf R, I use it for the first few races.

All goes well, working my way through the competitors.

Pass after pass I eventually get to first place.

Switching to a Mini Countryman we do a night race.

The Mini is pretty quick, I think its turbo charged.

The next race we are back to day time, seems some of the track is a little buggy. My driver rear wheel seems to be having trouble figuring out where the ground is.

Oh boy it just gets worse.. I will dial in the emulation settings in the future videos to attempt to get rid of these glitches. It just takes some tuning and trying again until the issues are resolved.

I won another race and move on with the series.

It was a lot of fun sitting down and playing this game again. Its been a year or so since I played it last. And glad to see emulation is still making improvements.


It is always good to take a break from daily activities and spend time de-stressing through a fun game.
You are good at this game you have gotten first place.
I hope you can resolve the problems that have arisen.
Enjoy your gaming time dear friend @solominer

Thanks much, its a lot of fun playing this game.

Will do

Damn man that is pretty realistic looking! The stills look like real life for sure and the sounds (engine and tires on corners) as prefect. Even the rear view mirror is well done and it is funny the tach shows when you use the backward view.

Some of those ps4 ports haven’t worked the greatest like the clunkiness of GTA5 but I pushed through because it was so damn fun.

What kinda video card are you rockin?

It is really impersive, I love playing the game. Since I have raced cars on tracks in real life it has a special feel playing this game. Really helps bring me back to that moment.

Hehe yeah games like GTA5 can only really be enjoyed on PC, the mods make the game so much better on PC.

I am using a Nvidia 3090 ti Founders Edition, its a beast.

Oh shit ya that's a video card! NEED!

I am really looking forward to GTA6 and hope they do a better job porting that to PC. The interface is so screwed with to many pages and the keyboard with so many keys should make it simpler to accommodate than the controller.

I think the last racing games I played were Flat Out 2 and Wreckfest. LOVE leveling up a car and racing with friends. I need me a 3090!

fiat 500 course gone wild

hehe yeah, need to get that glitch figured out.

I actually taught this was someone else from HiveGamers. Nope its ya boi SOLOMINER!

With the amount of outdoor post you made, when i think of you playing games. Must be a Physical sport like Football, Golf or maybe even chess with da boyz.

Blud takes out a PS3 game that has graphics and gamplay better than some newer releases.

Also Mini Cooper. Out of all the cars you picked the family car. GRRRRR

Also yeah that wheel, LOL. Good thing this isn't skyrim or you would have been yeeeeted off the map.

Hehe I know its not my normal content. A year or so ago I used to post more gaming content so its good to try it again.

I think sitting down and playing video games is important to me. Helps my body rest, though I need to be careful and not let the day get away from me while playing. Save the gaming days for rainy days I dont want to be outside.

Lol I know, it was a DLC car I was trying out. It was pretty meh.. once I level up I can use more race like cars.

Those glitches are pretty silly. It gets even more crazy if I save a replay and then change emulation settings.. the cars literary do fly off the track.

Busy bee as always. With your climate and our rice paddy culture. A rainy day is the perfect weather condition to start preparing the rice paddies for cultivating rice.

Gives the farmers a estimate of how high should they build the mounds, loosens the soil for plowing and the run-off water removes pest, leaves and other debree for the farmer.

No worries about flooding because the houses are elevated and filipinos are natural swimmers so meh.

GRRRRRRRRRRR racing games, im more of a grand strategy game or Colony simulator type of guy.

But we shall see if both played a game.

That one looks like fun! Some really funny glitches but still the graphics are great, I haven't tried that one out yet. I think I might now!

The glitches make it more fun I think, as long as it does not break the

Yeah you can download it and give it a try.

Wow, that quality is pretty impressive. I haven't done a ton of emulation since the Super Nintendo, so I don't even know what most games would look like today!

It sure is, how I can tune up the graphics is really amazing.

Oh cool, I used to play that console. And I hear emulation is really good for that generation consoles.

Yeah, the NES and SNES emulators are spot on. I will have to look into some of the newer ones.

Oh man, I haven't seen a game video from you in a very long time. I've never played this series but it looks fun. I'm not really into racing games :P Especially the ones from a 1st person perspective XD I know the other way around is unrealistic but this one makes me dizzy XD

Yeah man it has been awhile, glad I am able to sit down and record some more footage to share with the community.

It is fun, but takes many hours to get decent at it.. When I play with friends that have never played it can be quite frustrating.. lol

The first and third person perspective I think really depends on how you are used to driving in the games. I like first as its more realistic in my brain to how I drive in real life.. Seeing in third person it feels "fake" in my brain.

Looks like you are so good in your game 😀
Have a great weekend ahead

It's quite interesting and seems quite good for racing like this. 😃

Yeah it is a pretty cool game

Yes, friend. Have a nice day.

Never played Gran Turismo but my bf did and I know how important this game is in its field. I always thought it is more impressive than most of the racing games out there.

It is quite the special game series, seeing how far they have come since the PS1 and PS2 versions its really amazing.