Days Gone: A Cut Below The Rest

in Hive Gaming9 months ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

In the last episode of Days Gone Deacon has had his hands quite full and it was becoming somewhat of a problem, he won't admit it though but he needs help, more so he needs Boozer.

He went to Sherman's Camp to clear out the Freakers nests clogging up the whole damned town but this wasn't the only reason he went there. He was in search for Lisa as well and as much as he hoped to find her, dead or alive he didn't. He did come across some unfortunate bloaks who fell victim to a bunch of Freakers. No doubt these men also tried clearing out the nests but they weren't Deacon. When Deacon set his mind to something he was easily able to achieve the dream.
Deacon felt a little more beat up than usual though, someways off before reaching Copeland's Camp he stumbled upon some Drifters that were busy executing innocent people and he tried saving them but he failed in this. That alone can drag a man down!

Don't Underestimate The Dimwits!

Now if we were able to go back to when things were still functioning like they should, you know from before everything went to shit. Well Copeland would have been the stowaway in the corner of the pub, not looking like much.

This Copeland really has a sense for the surviving element of life, he was able to gather a bunch of people and start a camp. The location of this camp was ingenious to say the least! In the thickest of the forests right next to a lake of which the fish never seem to run out.

He is surrounded by a natural defence layer and that's the jungle and the lake and getting so far into the forest would prove difficult even for living beings so the threat of the Freakers are just so much less to them.

What a homey place to be at, almost like you're on a permanent camping trip!


Finding The Lost.

Copeland asked me to come by and that it was a serious matter that needed attention as soon as possible._

He sent out a scavenging party to gather up anything they can find of value but the problem is that this scavenging party never returned homewards and this was a serious problem for Copeland. I can somewhat relate because he is very reliant on whatever resources they bring back.

A happy community won't burn down the community, right?

Well on my way to finding this lost group or whatever might remain of it I decided to do some casual shooting practice with this big damned rifle! I think I've made some improvement since last time but it's still a great deal of what we call shit shooting.

Nothing like practice makes perfect hey!

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A Place Of Many Deaths.

At this point Deacon didn't know what to expect, it actually almost felt like he was being sent here to die. A dark forest glooming thick with fog is not a place a man wants to wander around in and get lost, so why would Copeland send his men out here?

Heck why would he send me out here? Chances are that whoever he is looking to find is most likely already dead and eaten at.

Just get in there Deacon And get it done with!

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It Wasn't Long Till I Proved Myself Right.

What else did you expect Deacon? That they'd be out here sipping on tea and eating some cakes?

Well Copeland has sure as hell sent his men to their deaths by sending them into the forests. More than often it's safe but this part of the forest is low lying so most of these Freakers get caught in the forest and then they can't get out.

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At First Deacon Thought This Would Be Hard.

It wasn't hard at all, as soon as Deacon found the first victim it was fairly easy going from there onwards, mainly for the fact that the bodies led the way. No need to even search, following the stench was more than enough.

When Deacon came across the second body he started hearing people far off in the distance, screaming at someone to answer them.

I have no doubt that this must be who Copeland is looking for!

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Always Some Abandoned Cabin!

Why does it always have to be some bewitched and abandoned cabin out in the middle of the forest?


Well Deacon knew of them before they knew of him, the problem was that they saw him first but he still managed to cut them down like nothing! Of-course he would have, that's what he was sent here to do!

Some random woman even laughed and shouted at her friends to look what small gun I'm carrying. Needless to say I blew her head off first and sent a message to her friends. Boy oh boy they were furious!

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The guy Copeland was looking for was somehow miraculously still alive!

Well he was alive that's one thing but he wasn't all that good though, he got beat up pretty hard but he'll make it!

I sent him back to Copeland's camp, the problem is he went by foot so whether he makes it out of this forest is not my concern anymore. A note to that, this looks a lot like the guy I rescued from a car swarmed with Freakers. Can it be that I have to save his ass again?

Probably, most of these fuckers that have survived are the cowards that ran.

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They Still Never Learn.

I don't know much about this group but what I do know is that they keep making the same mistake over and over.

I'm likely the only one travelling this road alone and they keep setting up traps for whoever might come through here, the problem is that I come through here a lot and when I do I tend to do some damage!

On my way back to Tucker I had to pass by Crazy Willie's and knowing what to expect makes it a whole lot more fun.

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They must be desperate, why else challenge a man with a gun while you're holding bats and planks?

This happens time and again!

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Crazy Willie's

Now this is a man I'd like to give a handshake to.

If it wasn't for this guy both me and Boozer would be walking like the rest of these bastards out here!

Instead we are still driving the motorcycles from before and this shop has helped us with so many spare parts for our bikes. So whenever I get the chance I have to pass by and check what I might have missed the previous time. Perhaps that is why they keep camping this place up, but to what end?

Again, Thanks Willie, you crazy fucker!

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Running For Ada Tucker... Again.

Money is money and those bounties are the reason I have stacks of it!

I don't care much for Tucker anymore, not after what she did to Lisa. Especially not, but I still need to get those jobs done, bullets don't come for free!

This time Tucker had something good! A Ripper camp they found someways off into the mountains. These freaks always have to hideaway in the mountains and caves right!

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Never A Better Time Than Right Now In This Moment!

As much as I started despising Tucker this one I would give her. Deacon couldn't be more happy with the job he got and he was starting to think that Tucker knew exactly what would make him do work for her. She knew.

I wasted no time, I stacked up on ammunition and fixed up the bike. I set out in the middle of a foggy night with the hopes of catching them off-guard. Likely not these things are like animals, sleep during the day and hunt at night!

But Deacon wasn't going to let it linger.

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Well they were on their best game.

I wouldn't exactly say their best game but they weren't all that drugged up for the day. I did catch them somewhat off-guard but they managed to assemble and regroup quite quickly. Not that it would matter if a bunch of pill popping cunts actually tried making a good plan.

It was then where I decided to play around a little.

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You Get What You Give!

This time I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine!
I don't think that did much though!

I decided to burn those out on the cliffs, hideaway and I'll burn you away!

Besides they burned Boozer up real bad and I really wanted to return the favour so I slung a molotov cocktail up there and burned them out!

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Frankly, I've never had a plan that worked better with the amount of satisfaction I got!

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What A Fucking Man!

This guy endured the flaming heat like a man, I bet he knows how Boozer felt or rather he might be too drugged up to even notice how completely fucked he is!

He got roasted and while that was happening he fell down more than 12 foot all the while burning like a fucking bonfire!

Yet he didn't give up, I admire that I truely do... But now I had to waste a bullet on the scum.

At-least this is one Ripper camp to worry about.

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!


Dated 23/09/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


The game seems too incredible to me, it seems like you are in a movie, the graphics are amazing, this is the type of game that I like. I would download it, but at the price it doesn't convince me much hahaha

Whoa, nice play.
This looks like the best zombie game. @tipu curate 8

Good job as always. It's too fun enjoy your posts mate. Thanks and Congrats 👏

Wow, your storytelling is so great. The way you describe the challenges the gaming character there faces and the intense moments in the game makes me feel like I'm right there with him. Looking forward to reading more about his journey.