Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part seventeen

in Hive Gaminglast month

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Major loot before major fights

After killing off some wild mongrel dogs and gaining the next level it was back to the pier and to upgrade the hacking skill to expert, meaning Arghrash was now able to get into the locked room.

"Whoa look at all this loot we have. This should tie me over for a bit as least!" Bottlecaps, ammo, 4 fusion cores were the biggest finds in this room but the shelves had a lot of buffout and ammo as well, such a worthwhile find to get.

The safe that was lockpicked with the current skills had 50 bottlecaps and some grenades as the main finds in it and added to the stockpile of loot.

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A nice sleep in the jail bed then some of the leftover purified water and he was good for the time being. He headed out to a customer destination and stumbled upon Egret Tours Marina which looks like a solid place to clear and setup a base down the track.

Some noises could be heard from behind and when he spun around, a couple of Synth's were spotted and he did some sneak damage on one, before they unloaded on him and he had no cover.. this resulted in a failed attack and his death.

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"Alright this time, I will take you Synth scum out now I know you are here and can get the jump on you" Arghrash claimed as he moved up and started laying the fire into the first one as it went for him.

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He moved back as he heard more coming and threw a grenade to try damage them but he was too early on the throw. They were shooting at him and trying to finish the job quickly, it wasn't looking good and this is even with a car explosion doing damage to them, it didn't stop one of them from coming his way.

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What was the deadly synth was the strider version, something with a lot more strength, durability and smarts to get the drop on people.

"Stop hiding you bastard" shouted Arghrash as the synth strider went and hid behind a pole to reduce the chance of being hit. It worked well since the damage it could get off, meant Arghrash would lose this fight once more and not be happy.

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By this point it was obvious that these synths would need to be outsmarted and some of the environment would need to be used sooner, to get the victory this time.

So queue using the lure to the car bomb tactic, making use of the grenades on hand to blow up some synths and even things out a bit more. All that was left was the synth strider once more.. it got up close throughout this fight but with help of the trees being in the way as cover, Arghrash was able to get the victory and walk off happy.

"Thank you luck and skill for turning around and bringing me this victor, time to loot up and head on out again and find a bed" said Arghrash as he healed and went back to somewhere with a bed not far from here.

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Upon venturing further out to look and see what can be found there was more than he had bargained for among some houses, there were Child of Atom members facing off against Gunners in a heated battle.

There was a lot of back and forth with Arghrash taking some shots at the Gunners as he was thinking the Child of Atom members were the nice ones, the gunners turned on him as well but he helped to finish them off.

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When he went to speak to the couple of child of atom members at the house, he got fired upon for no reason.

"Fine if you want to play it like that then how about you eat this grenade and this set of laser rounds!" He killed them both off easily as their weapons were gamma guns, causing you to take radiation damage and was easily treatable as needed. There were mattress here which was a good time to kick back before heading toward the glowing sea to explore the area.

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This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part seventeen. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part sixteen here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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