Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part seventeen

in Hive Gaming15 days ago

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Tough boss fights to easy boss fights

It was time for the Brother of the Eternal Pyre Soul Reader tower boss fight and oh is this one a doozy of a fight!

Soon into it after seeing the mass amount of health this boss has, 477 was hit hard with some lightning and with that, his health was basically completely gone beside a small little bit. This thing is a beast of a boss fight that would require the levels to be at least in the late 40's or about level 50 and with stats boosted.

After getting to safety and having Jormuntide Ignis do some damage which at least chunked it down a bit, the effort was futile as this was followed by defeat and to ignore this boss fight for a while.

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Back at base saw a few things get crafted while in the area and to stock up further, before heading out to face off against the level 45 Jormuntide boss, Susaku was first out for this one.

After chunking its health down a bit and being hurt, it was time to have a face off for the Jormuntides which of course saw the boss doing a lot more damage and not allowing itself to take too much, from this weaker version of it.

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It was not up to Astegon to really bring it's health down as the tough Pal it is should surely be able to a lot more you would think.. it was doing small amounts of damage to it and less than expected, after a bit of time it was lights out for 477 with his defeat.

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After two defeats from bosses way too strong for him right now it was time for 477 to get a quick and easy win. This could be achieved in the Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster against the level 23 Bushi boss and easy it was!

He just stayed riding his Fenglope for this fight, weakening Bushi and managing to catch it so he had a boss version that could now be used.

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Running along outside and jumping about to enjoy the feel of the wind, what was spotted is a group of level 10 Sparkit, so for fun this was as easy as just launching an aqua burst to take out a mass amount of them due to grouping and farm the dropped supplies.

A couple of other small and quick wins after this were a level 11 Gumoss boss captured because it's one not yet caught or faced, then a level 13 dungeon which had a level 11 Celaray boss fight and was over in an instant, with it being caught as well.

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Lunaris boss is level 32 and is a cool looking Pal that packed a nice punch as it did a big chunk out of the shield being used from a couple of attacks, until its focus went onto Fenglope straight after hitting 477 multiple times.

The battle continued for a little longer until it was weak enough for yet another boss catch to be successful and this is a pal with the space bending skills I believe it was, one of my favourites!

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Now that this was out of 477's system after those big losses, crafting time and with returns to bases comes more raids like always.

Base 2 had one raid before he could make another batch of 25 hyper spheres to build the supply up further, base 1 had a raid after cooking some more food for himself and his pals.

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A good thing about being back at base 1 is being able to drastically enhance Astegon, to give it a massive boost to its attack and defence while raising the health up as well. Just what was needed, much more power to help with fights.

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477 decides to end this night with a bang. To be precise, with a Tocotoco bang as he finds a big group of them and after attacking them to kill some, one explodes and the others were soon to follow it the death of the group.

Then it was off to the merchant to sell what he could and with the precious entrails.. well nothing like over 16,000 coins more to add to the collection and massive bank roll!

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This was Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part seventeen

Stay tuned for more adventures and to watch how 477 deals with becoming the beast of a Pal master over time!

You can find Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part sixteen here

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It looks great this game, very dynamic, I of the pokemon saga what I've managed to play is Pokemons Emerald and Pokemon Rubi, these games were with a Pixel Art art style, but it was entertaining at the time, but this game you show is great.

Great generation of Pokemon games as was gen 1 & 2, I grew up with all 3!
Still have my Pokemon Yellow, Gold, Emerald and Trading Card Game from as a kid etc and always enjoy playing it.

So I get where you are coming from mate 😁