Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part twelve

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

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The second tower boss fight is here!

It was a nice day out and warm as well, a trip to the snowy mountains was undertaken which is somewhere not yet traveled but it wasn't ideal with gear worn and temperatures.

Upon getting there and heading inland there was a short fight against Foxicles that were just below his travel location but wasn't the main part of this trip.. no it was onto the Free Pal Alliance Tower and the next tower boss fight to be attempted, this would make it only the second!

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It was time... the time to face off against his second tower fight which was against Lily & Lyleen the nature types and he was being sure to stay back while the Pals brought out were getting into the action and he shot from far.

Fenglope was already out and used briefly before Suzaku was used, being highly effective with the fire type moves to do better damage.

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After Suzaku got lower on it's health as Fenglope did, Mossanda Lux was next up for a little while to weaken them further, then Vanwyrm was until it got to Jormuntide Ignis who was able to get a nice amount of damage done to weaken them to under one quarter their health..

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Finally it got back to Fenglope for a short duration once more and then Suzaku since the Pals heal up while in their spheres, Suzaku managed to finish them off to ensure 477 was able to secure a victory with boss tower fight number two and what a relief!

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With another tower boss defeated to make it two and facing some low level bosses to catch for a wind down day, 477 gets back to base to hatch a Lunaris which with a partner skill called Antigravity, could very well be an awesome Pal!

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Exciting times as a saddle for riding Blazehowl Noct is crafted and it gets leveled a little out of fun and testing how well it will go in fights. Either way, the design of it as a shadow fire type of Pal makes it look pretty badass.

It came along on a trip to sell off a bunch of spare items not being used and for this would gather another eight and a half thousand coins to be used. Now that is helpful to stock up on some extra crafting materials that are harder to get most of the time.

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A trip out to the desert during the night comes with a wonderous sight as a level 46 shiny Dazzi was roaming about.

It was too good an opportunity to pass up giving this one a shot.. narrowly avoiding the electric blast as Suzaku came from behind to attack but it wasn't long until 477 realised this was going to be too tough a fight and he had to back out of there this time.

At least he managed to find the PIDF Tower which likely is a really strong boss and not one to face for a while yet, maybe when the Pals are around level 45 or so but who knows when he will try it.

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Back at both bases when 477 aimed to craft some more items and relax a little bit before another trip out, it wasn't such a pleasant bit of relaxing.

While at both bases a raid of nice leveled Galeclaw and Nitewings were attacking and it got pretty intense, even with the defence still easily accomplished with the Pals working at both bases.

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A few more things were being worked on in base two since it has a bit to go for becoming a more solid base. First was a defensive sandbag crossbow setup for a Pal to use in attacking with during raids though how effective it is would have to be tested, after some Pal condensing it was building the high quality hot spring for Pals to be enjoying such a nice and relaxing soak after a hard days work.

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This achievement brought two base levels for 477 with level 15 allowing a third base to now be created where ever he finds would be the best location for it, so sometime soon he will be going for a trip and sourcing out such a location and start building there.

For now he will do any repairs around base, craft some items and play with his Pals.

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This was Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part twelve

Stay tuned for more adventures and to watch how 477 deals with becoming the beast of a Pal master over time!

You can find Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part eleven here

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