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RE: I got the platinum trophy for Ghost of Tsushima on PS4

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Not much different than the Nvidia 3000 series launch disaster. I'm not as much in a rush for a PS5 as I am for the Nvidia 3080's, as I am primarily a PC game, but I do want a PS5 for Demon Souls, I originally bought the PS4 for Bloodborne primarily.

Hunt is amazing, it could use polish but the PvP is fantastic.

Two of my recent favorite shoot outs where I totally clutched.

I held off on Zero Dawn, though robotic dinosaurs sounded dumb. I eventually bought into the hype and damn that game was amazing. I didn't end up playing the DLC and not sure I want to reload it just to, but it was one my favorite games of the last decade.

I think Cyberpunk 2077 is where I'll be playing mostly when it comes out. Although I really prefer multiplayer games.


I did see that was releasing today. Although I’ve never been a PC gamer in my life, I can still understand the crowd for the new 3080s.

I mostly just want to get a PS5 ASAP because I still have the launch PS4. It’s too slow for my liking. I’m also extremely curious as to what PS5’s create button will entail. I have a feeling they are hiding something new that will be perfect for my content creation here on Hive.

Those Hunt shootouts are intense! Quick reflexes, I bet they game is very satisfying to be good at. I’m going to watch a few reviews for it tonight to get an even better idea of the game.

You make me excited to get back to Horizon later this evening. I am only on my second mission since being named a Seeker. Lots more to discover no doubt.

Cyberpunk is going to be a blast I just know it. The devs know what they are doing and they setting is just perfect for my liking, much like Ghost was. Add in that it’s a FPS and I’m sure I’ll get hooked to that one. I think there is talks of eventual multiplayer for Cyberpunk as well.

Horizon Dawn starts out, oh this is cool then about halfway in you are like, shit where did my life go?
