Eating out @ Real Spice : Farewell Treat

in Eating Out27 days ago

Last month, our Head of IT department resigned and left the company, he was like an elder brother and a very good friend to all of us at workplace. Very humble and polite person and the best thing about him is that he treats everyone with respect and his advices are always worthy enough to listen to and motivates and encourage people. He could have separated from the company but he will always be like our family and we all share a special bond.

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It was end of the month and everyone of us was waiting for salary, lack of money and all of us were on tight budget however, farewell treat is something we cannot avoid and in order to do so, we were looking for a reasonable place for lunch with IT head as farewell treat. As usual, lots and lots of discussion to select the restaurant, one saying that other one saying there aaahhh we are not going to change. Then I suggested for Real Spice. Everyone was like oohh that’s too expensive, we went there and blah blah blah. I shared my experience with them which I had couple of months ago, they offer great lunch deals which are not that expensive and the quality of food, ambiance, and the environment is just awesome. None of them believed in me so I showed them my post click here in which I shared in details the fun I had with my family while having lunch in here.

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Finally, they all agreed and we went to Real Spice restaurant but they kept talking about the free dessert “Kulfa” if that will be available or not. No doubt, the place itself speaks of its brilliance. It is located in one of the best markets of Karachi, Tariq road and the building looks cool to me. I had Iphone of one of our colleague and didn’t missed the opportunity of taking pictures. Selfies, selfies and selfies.

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It was the time to place an order, I choose three lunch deals for four people and the other four made a team and ordered accordingly. I asked my group of four to suggest and share their choice but none of them showed interest so without asking again, I just placed an order. While looking at the ala carte, I was shocked to see the prices lol and the reaction was captured by one of our colleague. Then I started joking and posing for other pictures.

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My first experience at this place was superb and the second one was nothing less than that. Happy to see the continuity of their brilliant service, friendly staff and wonderful atmosphere.

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In starter, we had gol guppay, mix chaat, dahi barhay and dumplings. You can just imagine the taste by seeing the texture of these dishes. The way they present Gol gappay in a stand is outclass.

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Then our main courses arrived, Thai Chowmein, Chicken Handi, Reshmi Kabab these three items for four of us and then on the other side, it was Chicken Manchurian with Rice, Chicken Tikka, Chicken Chowmein and a burger. What a burger? Yes I said the same thing lol I asked who and why burger was ordered. I just made a hype of it and started making fun of our HR who ordered burger at such a place where we can enjoy and taste many other different dishes. It was all just for fun because it is up to her to select and order whatever she wants but a burger??? Nevermind

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Everything was upto the mark, the taste, the quality, the ingredients and balance of spices, wonderful, just awesome. Not just me, but everyone of us enjoyed the food and the taste.

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After having lunch, we asked the waiter for complimentary dessert Kulfa but unfortunately, it was no more complimentary and also unavailable at that day. Complimentary dessert which I had was for limited time and it no more in active deal. Hehehe we asked to call up the manager to discuss this matter as we came all the way to this restaurant just to have complimentary dessert in the end lol. We were just joking but manager heard all of it and he came and said that Kulfa is not available however I will cover that up with a custard trifle as complimentary dessert. OMG! this is just amazing, all of them went crazy and said to me that I got just saved due to that manager or else, I would be responsible for this mess
No words to describe that trifle, yummy, tasty and awesome maybe very small words for that trifle. It was out of this world, it was superb. I really liked it and loved the taste.

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The bill was of just PKR 8000 / $28.5 which is unbelievable, all credit goes to me for suggesting this restaurant. Literally all of them appreciated me and thanked me for this plan. We all had a good time together along with wonderful lunch as a farewell treat.


All Dishes look Delicious 😋

yes they look delicious and they tasted awesome too, it is very difficult to find such a restaurant where you find each and everything so perfect. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your views

very nice bro you have such a big social group . always eating out with them! I think the most interesting dish for me is that ice cream looking one. not sure what it is o.o but id want to try that one haha. Sorry for the late reply! I wish I can get notifications when people post here haha. Thank you for sharing!


wowow I dont have that big social group, it is just because of office colleagues and friends who insist me eating out with them. I used to eat outside a lot in early 20s with my Father and brothers but now, I have to think twice before taking part in such activities $$$$
that is no way near Ice cream, its Dahi Baray made of Lentil Dumplings in a spicy, sweet and tangy Yoghurt.

oh didn't expect that haha. When I see your post I always felt you have big social group.

Dahi baray O.O first time I heard of this. interesting though dumplings with yoghurt that's something I never seen before combined together. It does seem like it works though. maybe one day if I see it I will try it haha.

Ya food is getting expensive now inflation crazy here in malaysia too. im not eating out much either! only sometimes but mostly is my boss pay hehe

hahaha bossy pay or sometimes treat from someone, so why say not to those treats, always ready to eat outside if it is free ;)
Well all of my dishes, you can easily find it in any Indian or Pakistani Restaurant

lol yes I feel you. I'm down to eat outside more if I'm not the one paying. Ya maybe that's why because I didn't really go to many indian o rpakistani restaurants o.o. I wouldn't go alone though would need someone to really know the food and recommend it to me