Get to know your Nitrogen

in HiveGardenlast year

It is this time of year again in which I get fit, working a couple of hours each morning with the scythe cutting grass. with the good amount of rain we got this year and the rising temperatures, it seems it will keep me busy for a while.

Blue Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius)

Lupin is a leguminous, that like other in this family fixes nitrogen in a symbiotic interaction with different bacteria in its roots. Nitrogen is taken in from the atmosphere and then stored in the roots for its proper growth.
other plants in the vicinity can also take advantage of the presence of the Nitrogen for their own advantage.

today, I want to share this simple experiment in which we can get to see the Nitrogen stored in special nodules in the root system.

a simple experiment that allows us to see the Nitrogen stored in the root system

the chosen plant is taken out with its entire root system

soaked in water to soften the soil

once the soil is removed we can spot the nodules

and once we cut into one using a knife, we can see the pinkish bacteria with which the Nitrogen is stored


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