Around the Gardens - April 10, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Geranium bud crop April 2024.jpg

The first bud on the geranium in the living room

On Wednesday I got up about 5AM and got my post up. Then I cleaned up the kitchen and made breakfast. The hayman was coming at 9AM with the broken bale mulch.

Small garden - broken bale mulch crop April 2024.jpg

I had to take down 2 more sections of fencing so he could back up to the east side of the Small garden. I’d be planting peas and carrots on the west side and didn’t want to move the mulch twice.

Anne raspberry leaves crop April 2024.jpg

The Anne raspberry on the south end of the Small garden has started to leaf out. There’s a lot of canes that need pruned out and it needs weeded, fed, and mulched.

New East - Jan Bos hyacinth flowering crop April 2024.jpg

Remember the poor little Jan Bos hyacinth covered in sleet last week? Well, it lived and is flowering. The fact it’s survived 3 years here is pretty good. Hyacinths typically don’t.

Big garden - rhubarb crop April 2024.jpg

Rhubarb in the Big garden

Big garden - quince buds crop April 2024.jpg

Buds on the big quince in the Big garden

Magnolia - starting to open crop April 2024.jpg

Flowers starting to open on the magnolia

New North - hellebore flowers crop April 2024.jpg

New North garden – hellebore is still flowering strong

Old North - daffodils crop April 2024.jpg

In the Old North garden the heat of the earlier part of the week has caused the daffodils to open.

East Shed - center daffodils crop April 2024.jpg

East Shed – lots of daffodils in the center

East Shed - N end daffodils crop April 2024.jpg

And even more on the north end…

It’s hard to believe it’s nearly the middle of April and I haven’t done anything more with the flowerbeds. But at least the Small garden is ready to start…


You're garden is the beautiful garden by the river side! Every living thing in it is beautiful, and your efforts in remarkable beyond words, keep growing the garden!

The bale mulch is for the protection of the plants, yeah? Or to be used as manure?
It's really worth all this preparation because the whole garden is bubbling with lots of activities ☺️

It started off in 1992 as a weed barrier. But it also feeds the soil biology and is a good water barrier, keeping the soil moist for longer.

Lovely! Flowers are blooming. Love those magnolias! The garden would look very busy soon. Fortify yourself!

That Jan Bos hyacinth had a long life, lol
I love the beautiful flowers in your garden

The geranium leaves are very greenish and healthy. All the plants are doing so great!

I'm getting unfair downvotes for reasons I don't know about, @spaminator before you downvote this comment, tell me how to trash out this problem you have with me.

Geranium, Ann raspberry, hyacinth, Rhubarb, Magnolia, daffodils etc. Surrounded by the fragrances of all these flowers, your garden would be a haven for sure.

 2 months ago  

Good for you getting your geraniums to winter over and then bloom. I always manage to kill mine. I tend to overwater sometimes. The gardens are coming along nicely for you now that spring has arrived. Yay!

I did find they aren’t fond of being watered much. I never like geraniums (smell) but 2 years ago I bought one for outside. That’s the one flowering now.

I can see you love flowers a lot, it's all over the garden. They are all so beautiful and I wouldn't mind them gracing my yard. You are doing great.