Recovering my wild strawberry plants 🍓

Image of my property edited in canva.

Good morning friends nature lovers! It's been a long time since I shared a post about my garden, because the truth is that it hasn't been doing very well for a while, since due to the strong summer and my dog ​​Lexter it has been very difficult to keep the plants in good condition. state and that has discouraged me a little, however, although I have not shared here how things are going in my garden, I have remained quite active taking care of it as much as possible to keep my plants alive in this intense climate.

Due to these reasons that I already mentioned, we had to make some changes in the garden, move some plants, prune others and even begin to remove them from the ground to place them in pots in order to recover them a little by moving them away from Lexter and although it has not been an easy task, it is the only solution we found to be able to maintain our plants since we do not want them to die and lose them completely.

On this occasion I will show you only my strawberry plants, or well what is left of them, since it went from being a leafy plant to just a couple of small stems, which were drying out from so much sun, being mistreated by Lexter and finally attacked by ants and the truth is after all that I am surprised that my poor plants are still alive.

This is a wild strawberry plant that came to us thanks to my father-in-law who gave us a small sapling, he in turn received it from a friend and since he did not have a garden he gave us the plant so that we could grow its fruits in our garden. This plant had very good times, because, even though this is not its ideal area or climate, we managed to take care of it until it spread over a good part of the ground, giving us many strawberries for a while. As you can see, this plant has its history and losing it for us would be very sad since we consider it as a kind of relic.

The soil in our garden was never very good, however, we managed to grow many fruits in it, but after this situation we wanted to make a total change to save the plants, especially the strawberry plant, which is the one that needs more care and better conditions. After obtaining a good amount of fertilized soil in a nursery, we begin the process of transplanting and recovering the plants.

As a pot we used the bottom of a large plastic bucket, in it we placed a good amount of this fertilized soil and removed the strawberry plants from the ground to place them in their new improvised home.

The last thing was to water them so that the soil was compacted and at the same time to be able to moisten the roots of the plant. It has been several days since we made this change and we have been watering the plants daily and although everything seems to be going well for now I can't help but feel afraid that my strawberry plants will end up dying and I will lose them completely, I will tell you about it soon. How did everything turn out and I hope to be able to share a next post with positive results about my plants.

¡Thanks for stopping to read!
All photographs are my property.
Photos captured with my Samsung Galaxy A12
Text separator made in Canva.
See you in my next post.
¡Have a happy day!


I love strawberries. Thanks for the awesome post on growing them. Your plants look beautiful.

I also love strawberries, I didn't know how they were grown until I had my first plant and it has been an incredible experience to have them in my garden. Thanks for the support 😉

Thank you for the support! 😊

Ami, que bueno que plataste en macetas , quizá de esta manera sea mucho más sencillo y lo mejor, para que Lexter no las maltrate 🥺💕🙏🏻

Si ami, no me quedó de otra, espero realmente que se salven mis plantitas 🥹

I have always wanted to have a strawberry plant, but I am aware that they require very meticulous and special care. I didn't know how to take care of a cactus, let alone a strawberry plant haha

I hope it recovers in the new home you made for it, it would be a shame to lose it with all it means to you, but for sure it will be saved ❤️

It is a very delicate plant that requires specific care but we have managed to keep it alive until the dog started bothering it. I am hopeful that he will be saved.

Oh no! I hope that after all this process, you get your plant to grow healthy and bear fruit again!

I hope it can be saved, I don't want to lose my plant, it has survived a lot, I will be sharing the result later.

I live in a shared apartment and it's so hard to have a garden here 'cause I have neighbors (of course). My dream is have a huge garden when I have a home and plant little pretty things like that❤️ This post made me feel so happy

I am lucky to be able to have a garden because having plants is something that I really like and makes me very happy. I hope that one day you can have a nice garden with many plants ❤️

What a sight to have a wild strawberry plant, they must be delicious. Too bad the plant has gone through so much, Friend. I hope it can recover and return to bearing beautiful and delicious fruit.

It is a very beautiful plant, its fruits are delicious. I hope it can recover, I already want to have strawberries in my garden again. Thanks for the visit friend! ❤️

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Ayy Ami. Me pasó así con una plantita porque tengo un conejo, y bueno, tuve que ponerlas todas en alto en un muro que tengo de la ventana, porque definitivamente mi coneja Bellota veía mis planticas como un manjar. Espero que la tuya se sana y recupere. 🥹🫶

Hola amiga ! Espero que se salven tus plantitas sería genial, así me pasó en casa con unas plantas de tomates a causas de mi gatico Michi que siempre le daba por hacer de todo encimas de ellas y amanecian marchitas, total que me di por vencida de sembrando😩. Bendiciones para ti🙏 🤗