Weekend harvest from my farm. Fresh and healthy

in HiveGardenlast year

More vegetable was harvested from our farm during the weekend.

Vegetables and fruits aren’t costly in some parts of the country; likewise in my state.

This is rainy and farming season, the season has fruits and vegetables in abundance.

Our farm puts more efforts in dry season farming because that’s when we make more gain; in those times, not everyone can farm.

Farming demands irrigation during dry seasons and only farmers that has such facilities may farm comfortably in such times.

We’re hoping to increase our output soon as we have more vegetables and fruiting trees coming up and some fruiting already.

It was fun receiving calls from our customers and business women who demands for our farm produce.

Most people that demands for our organic fresh fruits and vegetables are the elderly who value the power of natural medicines. Some of them that has some medical conditions that prohibits them from eating randomly delights more in natural foods than processed food.

I noticed that I’m becoming healthier since started taking more fruits and vegetables from my BCH farm. My children doesn’t like vegetables but they like fruits like ripe papaya and natural sweetened fruits from the farm.

The country isn’t that easy economically, but when it comes to food, it becomes a necessity. Even sometimes, demands becomes more that supplies.

I hope you like the harvest. Thanks for coming around. Hope you’ll visit my farm again for more updates.


I am actually working really hard to be able to afford land myself and start my own farm. So hopefully one of these days I can afford all this.

Being close to nature is an amazing blessing.

It’ll come to pass! You’ll achieve all that my friend. Thanks for coming around.

You're very welcome and I'm working extremely hard on making this my future.