The Actual Climate Revolution | Using our own Poo to Save the World!

in HiveGarden2 months ago (edited)


Surely, that title MUST be a joke!? Bad clickbait, right? Nope - I mean it!

It's the not-so-grim realization most people have never had. It is a fast-forwarding to the future us, after we have realized that we all have lived under one of the greatest unmentioned taboos and secrets of our age unknowingly: Our shit does have its rightful place somewhere! And I dare say: that realization has been stolen from us with a lot of effort.

You may feel like running away but I'm telling you: There is a reason nobody ever talks about their poo. Or other people's. Or what we as society do with it. And why. Because it's absolutely insane once you know, especially in light of the beckoning solution which this series will be all about.

"What will learning about poo get me" you might ask?

It is a most fertile topic that will lead straight to your sovereignty, abundance, insight, spiritual connection and ultimately: true freedom. Leaving another mental prison we didn't know we were jailed in, and marveling in the process about all the things we never really considered.

If you are still here, awesome!

Welcome to one of the few true solutions we human beings in 2024 have access to, no matter what we believe, how much money we have or where we come from.

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Alright, alright! Get to the point already, what's this about poo?


You see one of the most taken-for-granted things we do in our era and current paradigm is using a water-based toilet.

Pretty much anybody in the Western world who isn't a mad camper, homesteader (or van-lifer ahaha) takes it as a GIVEN that pooping in fresh water is how "that business" should be handled.

And we can already sense our own upbringing here: we give "it" all sorts of weird names and euphemisms in order to avoid talking about the activity every human being does on a more or less daily basis - Unless you don't eat of course, in which case this series will be a complete waste of your time. Stop reading now!

Where was I? YES!!!!! The daily session(s) on a Western toilet!

5-6 gallons of fresh water are used in order to "get rid" of our dietary remains, several times a day. Multiply that with the number of people residing in the US alone and it will start to dawn on you that the amount of freshwater wasted daily on Earth for flushing our "waste" is astronomical.

What we are in fact doing is polluting our own drinking water. Not even animals do that, humans on the other hand call it "normal" because we largely never considered any alternative, nor do we want to hear about anything poo-related for the most part.

The main issue with this modern way of handling our refuse is that it is completely and utterly unnecessary, wasteful, and harmful to us and nature in its implications and effects. It should be at the forefront of any human rights-, climate protection- and freedom activism group out there.

The fact that it isn't should tell you there may be something important here to uncover...


Ok, so we waste a lot of water... Big deal.

No! That is not the thing that got me most! The thing that got me most is that we can use our human manure... as manure!

Wait what?

YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. There is a great Oppootunity here!

Humanure is a thing. And if managed correctly it is a very valuable resource that can do legendary things for us, nature and life on Earth.

But unless you have adamant hippie friends or been around permaculture nerds long enough, I bet the concept that it would be A GOOD IDEA to not only collect but also willfully recycle our own "waste" in a smart way... is new to you.

Sure people's uncles go huntin' in the woods and have used self-build outhouses, or pit lantrines, or dug trenches. That is not what I am talking about at all!

I am talking about composting human waste in a safe, efficient and beneficial manner that will not only eliminate all the countless environmental problems the current water-based sewage system nightmare brings (as you will learn in this series)...

Composting humanure can also break our dependency on industry poisons and financial strangleholds, it can free us from the shackles of relying on external services. It can help us grow the most nutrient-dense food known to man and ultimately help us restore the broken human nutrient cycle to its original (and nature-intended) way.

the human nutrient cycle (intact & broken)

Sound too good to be true?
Has the dude completely lost his mind in his Hive absence?

I applaud your discernment but NO SIR!

I feel better than ever knowing there is a no bullshit (hehe) way forward for those brave enough to break the brainwashing spell of our era and try something so natural, it has to be considered radical today.

A dude has written a great book on this topic, and in reading through that book again recently the full scope and ramifications of the subject in question have finally and utterly hit me. And so of course I will have to write a series about it on Hive, which this is the preface to.

You will lose part of your innocence. Once you have seen it it can't ever be unseen - as is the nature with increasing awareness. And I tell you it is worth it! Especially if you have access to a garden of any sort.

The "humanure handbook" will tell you about the horrendous way we as a society deal with human waste today... it will show you why the stigma around human waste composting exists and how it is ultimately nothing more than control structure propaganda to keep us in mental chains with no factual backing to it whatsoever... instead what we all take for granted today is nothing more than a lot of superstitious hocus pocus we all took as "credible science" in blind faith.

The humanure handbook (and thus this series) will also do one other thing: they will set you free. It is such a relief to learn that the alternative to what we all know and do everyday is really quite simple, non-stinky, ecologically sound, utterly logical, provably safe and spiritually rewarding.

Composting humanure costs nothing and can - in fact - yield some massive actual APR - gains you will keep even when the power goes out and the internet is turned off!

I hope you are as excited as I am, 'cause damn I'm excited! To take those ideas and spread them far and wide...

To be continued in:

Part 1 - The Era of Broken Cycles
Part 2 - Nature, the Grandmaster of Transformation
Part 3 - Build Your Own System
Part 4 - Spritual Considerations

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Thanks for stopping by <3


Nice word jokes 😁 and this sure makes sense. Will keep this in mind, once I start growing my own food.

aye <3
i feel we will all be pros at this in one or two years. be excited for the actual series!!! ahaha

Being homeless, relying on friends to let Me crash on Their apartment floors, I will doubt I presently can do anything about My poo-r situation. But should that change, I will definitely put these data to use! And hope Others better off than I will choose to as well.

I will show My friends, but am giving low probability that, in this concrete jungle, there will be much interest.

Thank You for this!!!

granted it is somewhat hard in a city. you will need a compost bin somewhere outside, preferably in a garden or yard.
but then this method is super inconspicuous actually.

more details coming soon

blessings to you

I appreciate that idea. In this neighborhood, nothing is safe outside, and I have bone spurs in My thumbs, making working with things rough - typing hurts but I do it anyway.

But perhaps the universe will shift to better!

HaHa, really funny writing. Opootunity, LoL!
My husband and I looked into permaculture years ago, but never managed to move from the city to the country. I once read somewhere that in the old days (somewhere in Asia?), the owners of a house were severely offended if their dinner guests didn't leave a "gift" behind too. :D

I'm familiar with the fact that human poo can be used as compost and I grew up with an outhouse as a little girl. I also learnt that it's best not to mix Pippi with Poppo. How to solve this problem in cities, however, is still something I don't know.
You can tell how much you enjoy the topic and also the prospect that your own property can be perma-managed in this way.
I find it refreshing that you don't proselytise.

yeah you will need at least a compost bin outside, so countryside is preferable.

i can see getting quite happy when people use your 'recycling system' cause it simply means more fertilizer and soil two years down the line, so yeah. though large parts of asia have utilized what is known as "night soil" - the fresh, uncomposted human refuse. that can be quite problematic from a health standpoint, though not always.

not to mix would be in order to avoid containing the ground water accidentally. in humanure compost the urine is sort of essential, which the series will get into.

oh you will feel quite converted by the end of this ahahahha. blessings

large parts of asia have utilized what is known as "night soil" - the fresh, uncomposted human refuse.

Oh, I didn't know that. How and where do they use it?

in humanure compost the urine is sort of essential, which the series will get into.

Give me a hint :) Separate the urine or not?

oh you will feel quite converted by the end of this ahahahha

LoL :D I already am.

the humanure handbook 2nd edition merely mentions "asia" where this has been going on for a long time, wikipedia suggests singapore, china, japan, hong kong as well as other parts of the world at large. used as nightsoil it is collected and dumped on the fields as people have done with cow manure for example. the horrible stench and health risks this introduces do not exist with proper composting.

the book goes on more specifically that parts of china, japan and south korea have started collecting the human refuse and composting it in green belts around larger cities. as well as taiwan where it is used to grow algae.

using uncomposted human refuse for food crops can harbor some real dangers (because of the absence of the pathogen-destroying heating phase of regular humanure composting). but even without the heat most if not all dangerous agents in humanure are destroyed given enough time before putting it to use in the garden. it basically has to become soil again first.

humanure compost requires that urine be included, simply for the moisture. the extra nitrogen urine introduces to the compost is helpful but could just as well be gotten a different way (by adding extra garden greens or more food scraps).

but since the important processes in the compost require certain conditions it is a good idea to include urine in the compost pile to avoid adding too much water manually.

but i am getting ahead of myself, that should come up in part two of the actual series ;)

Interesting, thank you.
You really are digging the topic. I am curious when it is to get from theory to practice and what your outcomes will be like, once you can get your hands "dirty" ;)
Any progress in searching a property?

thankfully yes!
there are four more weeks to wait until we can meet the owners and talk details, they are abroad and only come for holidays.
maybe this time it will be the right fit for everyone.

needless to say a humanure composting system will be among the first and highest priorities <3

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