Harvesting leeks from my garden with my wife

in HiveGardenlast month

Hello community, another share, this time together with my wife we decided that it was time to harvest our leeks, which had already been planted in our garden here at home for a few months and were well grown and developed.
The initial part of this harvest was done with the help of a hoe, which here in my region where I live is called a double-ended hoe, as it is a hoe with two ends and open in the middle, which allows for better digging and in this way it is harvested. like the soil here. It's a little muddy and as I didn't want to cut the leek, I decided to open the plant little by little until I was able to remove it and arrive in one piece.
This harvest of mine produced some beautiful leeks that were at the right point for harvesting, now in my garden I already have others planted in development to be harvested in two to three months.

                                     Harvesting leeks in my garden







                                          Washing leeks

After removing the leek from the ground, I placed it in a large bowl so that it would be easier to transport it to the area where I have a tap in my garden with water so that it can be washed well and remove excess soil mainly in its roots.
This cleaning with water also serves to remove those older leaves, which are generally the first ones at the front, leaving the others to remain.
In addition to washing, we cut off the top part of the garlic foliage and only the stem remains, which is what we will use to prepare various foods, such as a good leek soup that I love so much, or even in other typical dishes here where I live. and which is widely used in cooking.






                                            Cutting the leek

After the garlic is well washed, we place it on a counter as shown in my image and with the help of my wife we begin to remove the leaves that are damaged and we start with a knife, which must be very sharp, cutting the leek into small parts. circular slices, practically ready to be cooked.
This part is what I like most, seeing these stalks turn into beautiful leek slices that will be delicious later when used in some culinary recipes here at home.
I put the rest of the leeks very well in some plastic bags and put them in the fridge in the vegetable section without ever freezing them, as if we froze them after defrosting them, in my opinion they lose their flavor a little, especially if they have been there for a long time . .





Friends, I hope you enjoyed my sharing of my harvest of leeks from my home garden.
This time I had the help of my wife and sometimes my children also help with some of these tasks.
Then I will share some more of my activities in the garden here, which I hope will also be inspiring for everyone.


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