My Garden for 2023: Growing Hope!

in HiveGardenlast year



- My dwarf Marigolds to help ward off some pests

“There's something satisfying about getting your hands in the soil.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly.



- Cherokee Purple Tomatoes surrounded by Marigold!

How my garden started

This is Cherokee Purple, my partner really wanted to try and grow heirlooms this year. They’ve never really done it before so we picked up a couple from the store. I don’t really have space to grow from scratch. We ended up buying some already pre-sprouted babies!

If we wouldn't have gone to the store just to browse, we wouldn't have gotten this garden started. Sometimes life throws a hint at you and maybe you should take that hint, it might make for something interesting to happen. I love gardening because it really focuses on listening as a skill and the quiet sense of accomplishment from finishing a crop to completion is a feeling that I just don't get anywhere else.



- Pink Brandywine Tomato plant with Marigolds also. We only brought one trellis with us, we'll have to pick up another

Troubles of Heirlooms

This is Pink Brandywine, my partner was really excited about this one although a bit nervous. Heirlooms have a tendency to split and aren’t usually disease or pest resistant. But I have confidence in my abilities to grow them well. We have them set up in self watering containers, splitting shouldn’t be an issue because of that. And just keeping an eye on them for pests and disease will be as simple as checking on them every day!



- Lemon plants for my lemon tea!

Delicious Herbs for Tea

This container is set up with all my lemon flavored plants that I love. Lemongrass, lemon balm, lemon verbena, and lemon thyme. That’s a lot of lemon! I love to drink hot tea and these herbs will be a great addition to my daily tea cups! We'll see if they fit well with other dishes. I imagine these herbs would pair well with white fish.



- I have two varieties of strawberries, both are ever-bearing

Don't Give Up if Things Don't Work Out

I’ll have my second attempt at growing strawberries. The first year that I did it, squirrels ate them all! I guess I should have ate the squirrels! Jokes aside, I’m not sure what to do about the squirrels eating my berries, I hope the containers being closer to my house with no trees near by will deter them. I may have to come up with alternative plans. Sometimes things just don't work out, when they don't try not to give up. If you give up, you'll never taste what success feels like.



- My project in the beginning, In between all the fun I forgot to take step by step photos!

Ran short of plants!

My last container isn’t full like the rest, I ran out of plants to put in the container so it’s got my left over marigolds, some lavender, and chocolate mint. I’ll pick up some plants from the store soon to fill it out with some plants like Russian sage, spearmint, and maybe parsley or some other cooking herb. Although it's not complete, most gardens never are. And that's okay. Not everything needs a dotted i or a crossed t, sure it can be satisfying but it's not the end of the world if things aren't perfect.


“Gardening is easier than it is often made out to be.”
― Charles Dowding, Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

All in all, this isn’t the most exciting garden I’ve ever planted, but it’s a fun one. I’ll be doing it with my partner who has never showed much interest in gardening. That’s very exciting for me, more so than growing the plants. Spending time with the ones you love is like gardening to me. Growing and deepening the bonds between you. If you can't get out and grow a plant, go out and grow a relationship with someone you love.

As always, thanks for listening to my story and me rambling about stuff. I always appreciate every interaction, no matter how small it may be. I love the Hive community and all of you who put effort into making it a good place to be in. Have a good one, thanks so much!

If you've read this far, I would enjoy any follows and will follow back. I want to build a community of love and kindness. We all deserve that.

With lots of love,
♥️ @timmy-turnip ♥️



All photos in this post are taken by me using any of the following:

iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone 12 Pro Max
Nikon D800 and a Macro Lense


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 last year  

You just gave me the idea that I could plant marigolds near my vegetable to ward off insects. Good afternoon!

There’s a ton of herbs and flowers that help ward off pests. I’ve just heard from friends and family that Marigolds work well as a natural repellant.

You have a wonderful garden and growing those plants would yield result someday. When life hit us with hints, we should no hesitate to be sensitive to take the right way.
I popped in through #dreemport

I’m looking forward to sharing the crops once I finish growing them!

MArigolds are AWESOME.... both to ward off pest insects, and to attract pollinators.
I only do one pot of strawberries, but am thinking of many more this season.
AND I lvoe my Cherokee Purple Tomato!
It's what I sue for about half of my pasta sauces I make

I’m excited for all the tomatoes I’ll produce! And I’m hoping the pollinators will love the flowers just like I do!

In my garden, they LOVE marigolds. Simply love them.


Silly, but this one image, out of perhaps literally thousands of garden photos, might be my only shot of a marigold in the last two years!!!
I usually have about a dozen planted around my gardens.

I love your garden! It looks very productive.

Your garden is absolutely wonderful and the marigolds look right out of a magazine. I hope to have a garden someday where I grow strictly all the beautiful flowers I've always admired. This was more than lovely and it helps that you narrate things so poetically.🌺

These marigolds just caught my eye. They look like sunsets!!! I was excited to have some nice looking flowers in my containers to balance out fun and purpose!

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Squirrels eat strawberries 😱 I was convinced they treat themselves only with nuts varieties. 🤣

Not funny actually.... Try with scarecrow, maybe they will be scared of it.

I will try a scare crow, haha! We’ll see if they are smarter than they look.

A great start to a garden, aromatic plants are a good option if you like to drink tea. Your dwarf marigolds are doing very well and have a very vibrant color. Congratulations on your garden.

I missed gardening and I’m so glad to have one this year. I absolutely love lemon flavors in my hot tea so I had to have them. We’ll see if the Marigolds actually ward off pests like they’re said to.

 last year  

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I like your attitude with not giving up and the idea that everything doesn't have to be perfect.
Good luck with your garden, there's nothing like growing your own.

I just think the idea of perfection holds a lot of people back. I know it does for me so I try and let go of that idea.

Perfection is fleeting and a goal that is seldom reached. It's better not to stress over trying to get everything just right when most times good enough works.

Good enough has been my motto for a while!


Heyy! Marigolds bring sooo much value, we are gonna use them as companion plants too this season, last year they really helped with pests, in fact all tomatoes growing with them were pest-free and had a great yield! And they add such a beautiful dash of color!
I love your authenticity and resonate a lot with your mindset, growing and nurturing relationships with living beings across all kingdoms! Following and may you have a magical time in your gardening! 🌸

Ps: try to put out some nuts regularly on a spot far away from your strawberries, the squirrels might have a feast on those instead! We used to have a spot where they always had nuts buffet and the fruits were fine 🌞

I’ll have to do that. I like squirrels but when they stay away from the things I wanna eat! I’ll get a bird feeder and a squirrel spot too.

Keep us posted how they go about it :)

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I love your companion planting! Marigolds are a famous classic, and the lemony herbs may also get along with the tomato.
Once your tomato plants start sprouting volunteers out of your compost, you know you've got your heirlooms! I wish you a great growing season!

Thank you! I’m hoping the Marigolds perform well. I’ve never grown heirlooms before so I’m wanting these to turn out well!

Your new garden is looking pretty great to me! You’re very close to the woods, so no wonder squirrels loved your strawberries 🍓 I hope positioning them closer to the house will help indeed. Otherwise happy growing and I’m looking forward to reading the updates 💙

I will definitely post updates. At my old place it was mainly deer that were the trouble. I’ll soon see what the biggest pest here is.

On a bright side - it’s good to live so close to the forest. All the beautiful walks and abundance of wild mushrooms- a dream 😍

I’m definitely a tree person. Growing up in the woods makes forested areas always feel like home.

I feel the same. Every summer holiday I would spend at my grandparents, surrounded by woodlands, so I always feel at home in the forests too 💙

Congratulations on your container garden! I always try to find heirloom and traditional varieties, so I love that you have some heirloom tomatoes! I like the combinations that you chose too! May everything grow beautifully! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Good luck with your garden a, I see you acquired nice plants, fabulous. Big problem the squirrels for you, I don't think they would taste very good haha just kidding. Hey nice photos, nature always brings satisfaction.

Some of my family make squirrel stew, not often as deer is much more preferred. I'm more of a grower than a hunter though, so I'll have to fend off the squirrels by other means.

Hi! @timmy-turnip Never giving up even if we fail is always best, God gave us strength that is always enough and only Him knows for the best time for all of us. For me being with our loved ones is always the best, every moment spent is a treasure. You shared a nice post! Please keep it up. God bless you po!

I came here from @dreemport

Thanks for stopping by from dreemport! Doing activities with others is why I’m so excited for life. Life is good, you just have to look for it.