My plants in bloom!

in HiveGardenlast year

I’m not sure where you are in the world but it’s getting hot where I’m at. Spring is starting to kick in but not without a chance of frost before the first of April. A lot of plants are in bloom. And I have one here that’s also a joy.

African violets are my favorite plants. They bring me so much joy. I had a larger collection but after an virus outbreak at my supplier, I had to toss my collection and start from scratch. It’s unfortunate to have to begin again but when you love something, starting over can bring new joys.

Here is the same plant when I first got it.

Look at its daintiness. It’s just an adorable plant. Cute in its features with a nice delicate lace flower. I worked it into a self watering container and like all flowering violets when you transfer them, it’s best to snip the flowers. And here’s the aftermath.

Self watering is just a great tool if you live a busy life. I work two jobs so I have very little time to do the things I like. Coming home to plants in bloom just makes my day so much better. So get out, if you can, and smell the flowers. Watch the bees. Or, if you have none of those, just observe the glory of the work you do yourself. My little plants are my bastions of my well being. They keep me in a good mood.

Thanks for the read.

I love you all!


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