Gardening - Restarting the Veggie Garden! Refresh the Desolation!

in HiveGarden28 days ago

Hello everyone and welcome to my... desolation that is called my garden. It is time to start over!

With a lack to TIME because of working at the docks for 12 hours+ a day, there has not been enough time to give my garden attention.

Then because of MONEY, the garden has not been able to get enough water because I am now on a pre-paid water meter and it is damn expensive.

But it is the start of Winter in South Africa... and I live in the Western Cape which means winter rains and moderate temperatures. It does not snow or freeze here so there is a winter growing season and a summer growing season.

By next summer, I hope to have OTHER solutions for the water issue.

Meanwhile I had some time free yesterday, so I put some effort into the garden!

I will try do Before and After pics together...

BEFORE - Overview

AFTER - Overview

Basically I pulled out a lot of grass and dead plants. I managed to pull out some onions and garlic that had been growing under the soil and I will use them to grow new plants.



So here it was just a lot of pulling out grass. Some of it I could get to the roots, the rest was just about making a START. As you can see, there is still a lot to do.

BEFORE - The box

I did not take AFTER pics of this one... look at what is growing in the box though. Can you tell what they are?

BEFORE - Tree growing suckers

Cleaned up this tree and the one behind it. This will stop this tree from becoming a bush. The tree behind it was also growing into the roof of the garage so I had to trim the wayward branches of that tree.

BEFORE - The Compost heap

Here the effect is additive instead of taking things away. All these branches and plants will break down and turn into plant food for the vegetables along with food scraps from the kitchen!

So at least now the first step has been taken.

Its raining a lot today and so I went out to do shopping. That little bed still has some living plants there... we shall see if they survive with this rain and the water I gave them yesterday.

Hopefully I will have some time on Sunday to do some work there again.

Thank you for reading and until next time!


Hive South Africa

 28 days ago  

Good luck with the winter growing. I'm also getting on with the beetroot and other winter vegetables

Thanks. That's awesome!

I shall need to look at a few crops to do!

Have you thought about collecting rain water or perhaps using some sort of sheet plastic to collect condensates?

The question is what to collect the water into? I can only store so much.

Nice to see it coming back to life again ! The size of the compost heap is evidence of how much work you did !

Have you thought of getting plastic tarps to line any raised beds not in use as a place to collect winter rainwater to use in the summer ?

You'll have to train the youngsters in how to do basic watering and weeding to keep on top of it when you're off on the next stint of 12+ hour days 😀

Indeed. I shall need to look into all of that... what I cannot buy I shall try upcycle.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much!