Happy Birthday my Baby Boy


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Hi, Arveno here. Let me introduce my self. I am father that having one son that i am gratfeul to have him in my live. I am from Indonesia in Southeast Asia. And now i am living in Surabaya city. I want to share my happiness moment in my life celebrating my son 5th birthday. As a father you guys absolutely wants to give the best for our kid right? same with me. I want to give the best for my son especially in his birthday.
But, i don't want to give stuff to him, i think that give him memories with little family and friends is the best choice in his 5th birthday. But,before i share, i am sorry if my english language is not good. Since i just knowing english a little and not good in grammar. I am hoping that my content did not make you dissapointed.

H - 1 Before Birthday (Sand Play)

As it happens 1 day before his birthday, his school closed so he has free time from 1 day before his birthday till the next day after birthday. And by the way my son birthday is at 11th May. So, at this day the agenda is bringing my son to go mall and strolling around in mall. I know that in mall there held event called Dino Advanture. Thats some kind of interaction with human with Dinosaur costumes and many kid loves with this event. I know that my son is like Dinosaurus thats why i am bringing him in this mall.
As usual after arrived at mall we are eating together first. and then we are playing and strolling first inside mall and waiting till the event open.

Okay the fun begin. First after we are eating,my wife has appointment with her friend from school. So we are have separated ways until she is done with her hangout. First stop is playing sand inside mall. I dont know this is beach sand or just silica sand. Some times ago, my son want to playing in beach. But, the beach near my home is not clean and i am a little bit afraid of the waves and many bad guys there, i am afraid i got robed or else there. So, thats why i asking my son just playing in this replica of the sand. And yet, he is happy playing sand in there. We are playing around 1 hours long. Then, we are going to buying entry ticket for Dino Advanture

H-1 Before Birthday (Dino Advanture)

We still waiting in line to buying entry ticket. Yeah since in that week so many holiday. this event is crowded with visitors.

After buying the entry ticket, we are waiting till the gate open. It took around 30 minutes till the gate open. And after the gate open we are entering the Dino Advanture.

After entering the gate, we are entering waiting room to capture a picture with Dinosaur statue and some kind mini playground. My son did not want to playing in this mini playground, he is not interested with this playground. He is still waiting to entering the next room.

After entering the first chamber room, the MC still explaining the Dinosaur and introducing the Dinosaur to us,after a while the Dinosaur is come out.

Basically as i mentioned before there are people inside this costume. But, i appreciated that they have great idea to attract visitors. Using Dinosaur costume to interacting with kids and people is really really great idea. In this first chamber room there are Herbivore Dinosaur called Pachycephalosaurus that having head like rock.

Really the details on the costumes is really great. I loved this and my son is very happy interacting with this Dinosaur. So, 50k thousands per ticket is really worth it. I think it is around 8,5$ total for 2 tickets. After done with Pachycephalosaurus, we are going to the next chamber room.

At this point i dont know where my son is, he is running away from my sight. Maybe he is touching the Dinosaur. This time the Dinosaur that came out is Triceratops. Looking this Dinosaur i remembered when i was a kid. I am very loving looking Barongsai when chinese New Year with my parents, and right now the cycle come back, my son loves looking this Dinosaur. Same mechanism but different tastes and era.
Still in this chamber room, after the Triceratops going back to the curtain, then the others Dinosaur is coming out. This time Stegosaur

Look at the detail at the last picture above. Thats really crazy. I know that not perfect. But, this is awesome. This really great idea to helding event like this. That can be a super source income.

After that we are going to the last chamber that is Carnivor chamber room. In this room we are going to see Velociraptor and Tyranosaurus-Rex

Unfortunately that i am not bringing my DSLR camera and taking picture using my old phone is not good. I am having backlight too. But, at least i have the photo first. Right now my son just stunned after looking this Velociraptor. He is afraind and freezing. Just holding tight my leg and dont wanna going anywhere since he know that Carnivour Dinosaur will eat any meat included Human. After a while then the backsound changes and Tyranosaur-Rex came out and take turn with Velociraptor

I am little bit dissapointed with the Tyranosaurus-Rex it need to be bigger than Velociraptor though. But, the fact is my son is more afraid looking this Giant T-Rex and wanna come out. Pretty funny though. But, overall my son is very happy in this place.
After done with T-Rex show,we are all going out.

Outside the chamber there is game like giving Dinosaur meat inside its mouth. I dont buying tickets for this activity. So,we are just looking out people giving fake meat to Dinosaur.

I love the pond decoration in the back. It is very lively even though just using fake plants. This is very creative. I think i need starting to designing Terrarium again in order to make my mind getting used with the creativity playing for landscaping.

After that we are going out and waiting my wife in food stall. And after we are gathered we are just eating for dinner then we are going back home. yeah my son excited and exhausted at the same time. In the way back home he telling story to his mother.

11th May - His Birthday

In the morning, we are just giving hime muffin cake with small candles just for the little celebration. Today we are planning to meet up my wife sister in mall. And this mall is very far away from my home.



I am gratefull you are my son, i am very proud and happy having you as my son, you are not giving any difficulties to me as a parents. From baby till right now. Easy going,simple,and never ask too much. In contrary you often rejecting what i am giving. Thats funny.
After arriving in mall and meet up with my sister in law. we have sharing though and i heard that my sister in law wanna moving to our city. She got offered for job here. So,yeah mostly we are talking and discussing about this work.
After that we are strolling around in this mall.
My son quite happy strolling in mall.

There are Pokemn Running event on this mall at that day. So, my son wanna take picture there. After all we are just strolling and eating so much inside mall. And not doing anything. And time flew so fast at that day, we are almost spending time in that mall until night. So, we are not buying any cake for my son at that day. But, it is okay because my son still need to celebrate his birthday at his school.

Birthday Party at school

In the next day we are celebrating my son birthday in school. My wife wants to celebrating in school because me and my wife planning gives Memories as a birthday present this year. So we are not giving any stuff to my son this year. Thats why my wife planning to gives the Memories with all his friends.

So, after my son scholl and near time to after school, then his teacher announce that the birthday party started. It is not a real party. It just kinda like all of his friends singing Happy Birthday song in 3 different language. And then all of my son friends just giving the present to my son. And in exchange we are giving gift to all his friends.

My son is really happy after got celebrated at his school. And what makes me proud is many of his friends excited with his birthday. I dont really know that my son very famous in his school. Not only his friends at his class but the other class also excited and wanna come join but they could not because they still have class. Really i am very proud. I though he did not have many friends at school since he is cannot speak fluently until right now. Overall, this year is pretty lovely. My son is very happy in that week. And after all he are not too much with toys stuff lately. He seems like having interaction with some people. Thats why giving Memories as birthday present is the best.

So thats my content for my son birthday. I am hoping that my language can be understandable. And sorry if my grammar is very bad. And thank you for dropping by and reading my story. And see you in the next content.

 14 days ago  

Happy happy birthday to your son my dear friend @arveno my daughter is also celebrating her 5th birthday this Month. He looks happy and enjoyable. And there's nothing wrong with English it's fine and understandable.

 14 days ago  

thank you, and happy birthday too for your daughter

 14 days ago  

happy birthday to you baby it's really amazing combination with mother

 14 days ago  

Thank you so much

That's one cute looking boy, happy happy birthday to Him

 14 days ago  

Thank you sir

You're most welcome and well deserving

where's the pics of hot mommas.... uhuk uhuk, I mean the other parents


 15 days ago  


It's the thought that counts. Happy birthday to your son🤩 !PGM

 15 days ago  

Thank you so much mate

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