🔧 Learning How To Change A Tire With My Dad, & More! 🛵



I want to show you about the time when I learn how to change a tire with my dad which is kinda fun. It would have been more fun if I have more muscles.


I think last week I learn how to change the motorbike tires, it is kinda fun to kinda difficult for me. Well at first I think he removed the tire for me, then after he tells me and show how to do it. I think it is kinda hard because well I don't exercise which mean no muscles, but I have my ways on getting things done.


Well first he told me to wash the tube, tire, and the wheel. I spent a great amount of strength and time on the wheel since it got rusts. He told me the reason why my bike is kinda new but has a lot of rusts. Well it hurts my hand a lot from trying to scrub it and I also cut my self but it is fine, it is just I haven't got a cut for a really long time. When I used sharp object I like to be very careful, but I lost my carefulness while scrubbing it.


After that we let it dry and wipe some dry, and the next part is to put the tube, and the wheel inside the tire. It was really hard since it need a lot of strength and the strength that I totally don't have. At least I tried my best but I still needed my dad's help, and that is basically what dad is for.


After that we put the wheel back to where it belong which is on the motorbike. My dad lifted the bike up while I try to put it back in. While I was putting it back in I broke something in the break thing, which I don't know what it is called. My dad said it is fine since it didn't effect the speed or the break.

Monkey B

I think all jobs are equal so we should always keep learning everything. It's pretty cool that you're learning to change tires with your dad.

 13 days ago  

I like learning new stuff that isn't dangerous. I got to say it was fun beside the cleaning part. Have a great day.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 19 days ago  

Teaching her simple things like this will help her grow faster in life.

 13 days ago  

It will sure help me in life especially around here. Have a nice day.

 17 days ago  


 13 days ago  

Thank you so much but I am not that good. Have a nice day.

 18 days ago  


 13 days ago  

Thank you and I will try to learn more.