🌄 My Failed Entry For A Sunsets/Sunrises Challenge, Pretty Sunsets/Sunrises! 🌇




Well at first I want join ASEAN Hive Challenge but sadly I didn't make the post in time now it has expired. Well I still want to share it anyway, one thing though I love sunsets a lot. This one is a sunrise I took the picture when I was waiting for Khanna, and I thought it looks pretty so I took the picture.


This one is a bit blurry but it still looks cool, this is a sunset. It had a bit of purple and pink but when I took the picture I didn't see any shade or purple or pink at all. It would look a lot more prettier with some shade of pink and purple.


This one I took when going to Angkor Wat, Angkor Wat is also famous for the sunrises and maybe sunsets. I think once or twice a year the sun rises at the middle of the temple which is really pretty, but the day that I go is just not one of them sadly. It was still fun and my cousin said most of the time it is foggy.


This one is very similar to the other one but this one I try to turn down the brightness, and I gotta say this is a lot better. I don't if it is just me but the cloud makes the sun look like a heart shape, but it is probably just me. I sometimes see like different shape then others, and I gotta say I see face everywhere. I am really weird.

Monkey B
 29 days ago  

I think it doesn't matter. But you have won our hearts with your beautiful photographs. Your last sunset photography surprised me a lot, very nice photography, good luck to you.

It's alright Dear, I think there are lots of challenges in the community. By the way, I really amazed of the photos you have about sunset perfectly captured.

Beautiful captures. I love it when the sun is under the tree and above the structures. The Angkor Wat is neat.

 last month  

You are so lucky to see the sunrise, it is so beautiful, I hope to see it one day.have a great day.

The beautiful capture of the sun was when it was setting.

Oh, I think my sunrise entry for Angkor Wat was in the middle. :D

 last month  

Such a beautiful sunset. Definitely amazing. 🙂🙂🙂

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