When An Introvert Goes Out... XD


For someone who's a homebody and an introvert, I gathered my courage to go out alone for the first time in a while. My "otaku" (anime lover) side won against my anxiety of being surrounded by a crowd and I decided to go to a fan screening of my favorite anime. Luckily, my younger cousin decided to accompany me, but he won't be arriving until late in the afternoon because his classes end at 3PM.

Here's my story...



It was a Monday, so I had a one-hour Skype class from 8AM, had breakfast first before heading out. The movie isn't until 7PM, but I wanted to escape the hottest time of the day and the rush hour in the afternoon. It only took me around 45 minutes to get to my destination by e-bike and bus because there wasn't any traffic congestion, yet. If I went there during busy hours, it would take me more than an hour.


It's been ages since I last went to this mall. They're having a massive renovation especially in the top floor where the cinema is at. I just checked where the movie would be shown and walked around.


I'm lowkey glad that it was on a weekday because there were less people. I had around 5 hours to spare before my cousin comes to accompany me, so I continued walking around and finding some good spots to rest, meaning... somewhere without a lot of people. lol


I decided on some beef misono from Tokyo Tokyo for lunch. One because I like their food, but another reason is that... there were less people in the restaurant. I wanted to have some fastfood to save more money, but there were so many people. T_T Guess I'll go there for early dinner with my cousin. haha



The mall has this cute magical area where people walk through and take photos. I just stayed on the upper floor and took pictures from there because... you know! lol It looks really colorful and pretty, though.


For a couple hours, I stayed in a small lounge near the cinema and just played mobile games. hahah I'm at the shopping mall, but no shopping nor window shopping happened. Well, I did go to some art shops to check some materials, but I can easily buy them online at a much better price.

The lounge where I stayed at also had some areas undergoing some renovation, but they covered that part with this anime mural, so it was a relaxing place for me. That moment when I'm more comfortable with 2D characters...xD


I stopped playing after three or four games because I got to save my phone battery, so I walked again... and coincidentally met up with a university friend. She's working in one of the clinics nearby and it happened to be her break, so we chatted and did a bit of catching up. We were quite close in university, so despite not meeting for a long time, the bond was still there. I haven't really kept in touch and I barely use my social media, so they've been wondering. haha We plan to meet again one of these days!


My cousin then chatted me that he's on his way, so I went to the main mall, so I could easily meet him. It's his first time going to the mall alone, but his father accompanied him in the terminal. It's just one ride from his place.


We had an early dinner at KFC (because Jollibee was so crowded even at 5:30ish in the evening) and headed up the cinema. The movie was awesome! You can read my blog about it by clicking this sentence, if you want. :)

I went to my cousin's place to spend the night and also to take him home. It was also a good chance for me to do various things in the area because I rarely go out and visit. So, let's talk about the second day of When an introvert goes out...


My cousin had to go to school the next day, so it was just me and my aunt. We had breakfast and coffee together and she decided to accompany me that time.

My second degree cousin just gave birth and was in the hospital nearby, so I decided to visit her and see her new baby. She's a really cute baby girl. I'm also glad to spend some time with them, but I had to excuse myself soon because I needed to go to other places before heading home.



I went to the cemetery to visit my grandma and uncle's graves. It's been a long time since I visited grandma and it was my first time visiting uncle since he died almost 3 years ago. I just can't miss this opportunity to visit and light some candles for them.




Lastly, I went to church. This is the church where my parents got married almost 34 years ago. We used to live in this area when I was young, but we seldom visit these days. Most of the time, my aunts and cousins visit us in our place. This place will always be special for me, though.

After lighting some candles and offering some prayers, my aunt and I went out for lunch then I bought some fruits for my parents.

It took me about an hour and a half to reach home. It was midday, so the roads were empty. It was hot, though... but I just love airconditioned buses. hahah If I went home a couple hours later, the ride home would probably take more than two hours.

Well, I had to work that night, so it was a good idea to go home early. Now that I'm home, I must say... there's no place like home! I don't think I'm going out again anytime soon. haha Give me a couple to several months to gain back the energy I've spend for the past two days. XD

Anyway, it was an enjoyable and productive couple of days! See you around! (^^,)/

 19 days ago  

wow what a long day O.O. how was the movie

 19 days ago  

It was... XD
So I'm not going out for a long time. haha
The movie was awesomeee!!!

 13 days ago  

oops i missed this. its ok o.o i dont go out muche tiehr. good thing u enjoyed the movie :3

I'm so inggit napanood mo naaaaa, the Mall where there's only one cinema is really far from home. Not even sure if showing sya dun, huhu. I want to support the movie but i guess sa pirata pa rin bagsak ko, huhu. Anyho, it dipa ata nag showing ang Haikyuu di ka lalabas anoooo? Parang ako lang, lol.

 19 days ago  

Anyho, it dipa ata nag showing ang Haikyuu di ka lalabas anoooo? Parang ako lang, lol.

HAHAHAHAHA... I'm laughing coz it's true... For the love of Haikyuu! lumabas ako sa aking lungga... XD I mean, pwede nman sa regular showing with less people and all... pero the limited merch 😍😍😍 So, yeah... ndi nlng ako lalabas until next Haikyuu movie. hahaha

I guess after na ipalabas in other countries by the end of this month, we can watch it online na... xD

Beautiful pictures and story because I can relate to this when I was a teen that I didn’t have the confidence to go out all by myself. I was scared to be alone and was scared to approach the people first. But as I age, I wonder where is that poor self-esteem coming from.

 19 days ago  

I'm 33... and still the same. hahaha
I can try if I really have to, though..
It's just draining. xD

I really liked the way you describe this trip to the cinema. I hope to read many more new adventures soon.

Life offers us a world of wonderful opportunities that we can use to our advantage.

Thank you very much dear @tegoshei for encouraging you to share your experience!

I send you a cordial and affectionate hug!


 19 days ago  

Thanks... :) I'm not sure if I'd have new adventures anytime soon, but I'll try. hahaha I appreciate you for dropping by! Take care and have a good one. ^^

 18 days ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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