My Random Post For The Day: "Picking Up Sinigwelas Fruits, Cooking My Favorite Food and Gathering Firewood at Our Farm

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Greetings everyone, I'm having a slightly busy situations this morning but even if it was tired enough, still I was enjoyed of what I am doing. This day, as our Sinigwelas tree produced more fruits, I went to the place were there are lots of ripe Sinigwelas fruits. This is one of my favorite fruits I always ate and I was having a lot of fun time. This tree is not really far from our house, that is why it is very easy to went, aside of that the fruits are not really in tall branches and it is also very easy to get using a stick.


Before doing a fruit pick up, I cooked this delicious and some of my favorite food to eat, no other than dried fish. My Mother brought 3 Kilos of fish in the Market and some of it are dried under the sun before frying it. Fried fish is very expensive that is why it is better to dried some fish in our own for Family consume only. It takes a few minutes of frying dried fish and after that, I gave my Daughter some foods so that she can eat her breakfast.


After a few minutes, me and my daughter together with my Brother decided to went on the place were there are lots of sinegwelas trees. My Daughter was very enjoyed and happy walking at the place, while my Brother also very busy following my Daughter were ever she go. My Daughter was very busy playing this senegwelas fruits and laughing everytime when those fruits rolled around. This was the first time of my Daughter visit here at the place and she was very happy and laughing while holding those senegwelas fruits. I keep very busy getting those fruits while my Daughter wa running around.


This is the sengegwelas friuts looks like And it is very delicious. We sold out to the market some of this fruits. My Daughter was very happy to played this Sinigwelas fruits and after a few minutes of getting those fruits using a long stick, I gathered almost 10 pieces of fruits. It was already 10 in the morning when I decided to get back home, the heat of the sun was already intense that is why it is better to get back home.

Gathering More Firewoods:


4 in the afternoon when me and my Mother visited our vacant lot just to gathered more firewoods. This is very important to us because this will be used to cook, boiling water and even fences at the Garden. We don't use stove or rice cooker, instead we only used firewood and it was already our traditions. First, I removed those dry leaves and I put the Palm in one place so that it will be very easy to get and brought home. Luckily, we have lots of dried palm and ready to use.



This is our Farm, there few coconut plants planted here and some of it are still very small. There lots of bad effects of the intense heat that have been experiencing here in the Province and we are worried about it if it will still continues. Those coconut leaves was starting to fall on the ground and the fruits are dried and withered. The best thing we did is to filled with different kinds of biodegradable materials on the coconut stem so that it wont get dry easily. It will also serve as an organic fertilizer to the plants.


This is what we called Pasuntan, a kind of coconut fruits were the sprouts comes out on its fruits. This will be planted next day so that our coconut plants will make more and we can harvested lots of coconut fruits in the future. This sprouts also affected with the heat and the leaves are also dried, but the best thing we did is to watered it.

My Account Analytics:



Before I end up my post, I would like to share my Hive account analytics and I am really proud that it keeps growing and better. The best thing I need to do to have curation rewards is to Power Up more hive tokens and if I gathered more, I can start delegating to other communities.

Thank you for visiting and reading my post, have a nice day everyone.


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Are the fruits passion fruits?

Rural life activity is always interesting to see in the modern life thesedays

Honestly,I don't know what others called this fruits Ma'am , but for us here we called it Sinigwelas, but I think this is a kind of passion fruits. ☺️

Exactly, rural places contains lots of Fruit trees or garden. A lot of place were we can be abled to plant different kinds of crops and or vegetables. Thank you for visiting my post Ma'am @anggreklestari . ☺️

 24 days ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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